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Valentines to and from Trump

Fragile Bird

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Some love from Pence - reposting because I cannot write anything funnier:


First half - follow the link for the list. :)


This is an article about Mother, my wife and lover under Christ. When you are lucky enough to a have a Mother, you must treat her right and with proper respect. Not everyone has a Mother, but I do. I feel lucky to have Mother.

Mother and I have a special relationship. We met at Church, where else is there. I saw her brown hair sitting on top of her head like the back half of a cat and thought, “There she is, Mother.” She carried around a golden cross with the word “yes” on it awaiting my proposal, which eventually came, like all men do (God said we must).

It is because of Mother that I may have such a busy career in politics and evangelizing. Mother keeps the house clean and the things in order. When I go to work every day, Mother dusts every crucifix in the house, pulls a roast out of the oven and keeps it hot with magic, and then sits on the couch waiting for me to come home. Mother is very special, especially when you think about how many women in the world are whores.


That is why it is so important to make her feel appreciated on Saint Valentine’s Day, which is like Christmas but for genital soaking.


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Donald Trump to Everyone

Roses are red. I read a lot too. People say I read more than anyone else. One time a guy told me that maybe that's why I know more than anyone else about so many things. I don't know. Maybe. But when people say I am the smartest, I remember what that guy said and I realize that it's not just something you're born with, you have to excercise your brain like I do all the time. That's how I became smarter than everyone. 

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