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Adara vs. Jaehaera


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Just how disabled was Jaehaera?

We hear that she did not laugh.

Well, we have heard of Adara.

Adara rarely smiled, mostly in winter, and never laughed or cried, even when in serious pain. She did talk, certainly by the time she was five.

Was Jaehaera seriosly intellectually disabled? Or was it just emotional problem, and she had otherwise normal intelligence?

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Jaehaera is how George added Adara to this story... since supposedly that story does not take place in ASOIAF universe:lol: I'd say normal girl, just a large emotional stunt because both were part of/witness to a terrible familial catastrophe. Adara overhears her father talk about her situation often with her uncle. Sorry for being a tad vague, but I am trying to remain spoiler free-ish in the event someone wants to read that story later.

They really are described as the same type of person, all the way down to being really small, etc. George has plenty of his own themes that he uses and sneaks in to his stories across all time and genre. I love it.

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