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A Thank You to Apple...

Maester Crypt

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A Fevered Account of Discovery... by Maester Crypt 



This was my journey from then to now, or here from there, however you choose to see it. My strongest foundation would be film and tv, a close second music and a distant third, literature. 

When I saw the first episode of GOT, I was hooked with the Stark family. It is likely before the first season ended I had bought the first four books and begun to read. At some point I finished, my mind was still wanting more. Likely restless to acquire more information of this world, I found your site with the theory of R+L=J, and my mind began to gorge. 

I can't recall at the time what my thoughts were on who Jons mother was and since I hadn't made an account immediately, it's hard to say.  

I know by the time I made an account, I had taken a position of N+A=J. 

I think the main reason I chose that was because I don't like being told there is only one answer to a story, other than in mathematics of course. The second would be the possibility of that storyline to unfold in a manner that had a lot more emotional attachment for me on many levels. The third was, there just had to be something more to it than who is Jons mother? Maybe from a whisper in my head, I don't know. 

When I came out of the trees and finally dipped my toe into the roaring waters, it is quite easily understandable I drowned. But I learned, if I was to even tread water and survive, text was needed, and with symbols, context, even better.  

The most influential on me in the start of my journey was AppleMartinni. The staunch defense of R+L=J, kept me questioning its' validity, but the use of symbols is what truly interested me. Since literature was the least solid brick in my foundation, a lot of the underlining discussion somewhat passed me by.  

The one post that always stuck in my head though was Trios. I don't know how much discussion it got, I don't think a lot or maybe it was just a recent post at the time. As best I can remember the question posed was wondering "what the middle represented?" I did not have the answer but Trios forever remained after in the back of my mind. It was an obscure reference, posted by someone who thoughts I respected but not necessarily agreed with on everything. 

After sometime I probably stopped coming around, I had taken I thought all I could from here and had to search for myself. I reread the books searching to discover something I hadn't seen before. As these are memories of the past, it is hard to determine when and what occurred where? 

When time had passed, I came back home and posted, " the riddle solved?" It was my thoughts that the whole preface of AFFC was foreshadowing the death of Littlefinger by the Starks. Looking back now, that perhaps showed I had begun to read the books in a completely different way. Perhaps an eye had opened. It drew a bit of response, encouraging in a way, but no development of the theory. I moved on, figured people had left long ago for whatever reasons. 

Deep in the crypt on my lonely isle, through thousands of hours thinking, reading, and research. I had come to the conclusion in my mind that R+L=J meant more than it ever seemed. I wanted to talk about the internal struggle I was feeling in my head because it had begun to scare me. 

As this year of the false spring had begun, I woke again and ventured home to see what was being said. Mostly silence from what I could tell, I did read a little, think it was Killermonkeys Echoes or something like that. It had similar thoughts to how I saw what was going on in ASOIAF, so I thought I might be finally there to solving these whispers in my head. 

Thankfully the internal struggle I was having ended this past week, though whispers still persist. I searched three words and found one result. When I read the paragraphs, I thought of myself. That’s when I felt free, but also a little freaked out. 

My freedom was that I finally discovered R+L=J. Meaning both my eyes were now finally open.  

I know this may not be its true meaning, but for me it is. I have no desire to take part in the wars of man anymore, I will be forever a nameless one, a faceless one, protecting the wall from falling down. Without the wall being maintained, guarded, there is no discovery possible for others like myself who may come after.  

As for the part of being freaked out, that is a discussion I would like to have but don't know if it's possible. Whispers will always persist for me I think. 

In truth, I can't explain why, but I always felt this place was home for me on my journey through ASOIAF. I hope I am right, that many others figured this out long ago. That would mean a shared experience about individual personal discovery through AWOIAF is discussed somewhere I would think. Every story unique to the individual, yet similar in some respects. It is the only discussion that interests me as of now. 

The other possibility, this is something I have concocted in my head. It's a scary thought, but thinking on it, just as interesting a discussion to have. 

Either way, let me say, what a long strange trip it's been....... 

Will always be forever Grateful, 

One Love... 

Maester Crypt

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“Warm are the still and lucky miles,
White shores of longing stretch away,
A light of recognition fills
The whole great day, and bright
The tiny world of lovers' arms.

Silence invades the breathing wood
Where drowsy limbs a treasure keep,
Now greenly falls the learned shade
Across the sleeping brows
And stirs their secret to a smile.

Restored! Returned! The lost are borne
On seas of shipwreck home at last:
See! In a fire of praising burns
The dry dumb past, and we
Our life-day long shall part no more.”
― W.H. Auden

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