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Could the Faceless Men Assassinate the Night King?


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I mean if they were paid enough? Do you think the faceless men could pull this off.

#1 They would probably need to know what Kills the Night King. If he is like the other White Walkers. Obisidian or Valerian Steel.

#2 They don't have a White Walker face in the Hall of Faces. So they probably would need to kill a White Walker first as a disguise.

#3 As the Night King has a lot of powers and seems very observant and alert. As he could interrupt Brans vision. He might easily detect this trick.

#4 As its Winter there might not be much food around for the faceless men.

#5 Its likely to be very costly due to the danger and the importance of the target.

#6 If they killed the Night King they wouldnt be able to make sure he stayed dead.


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