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1000th Commander of the Nights Watch

The Baelish Mockingbird

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As of last season, Jon Snow gave up his title as the 998th Lord Commander of the Night's Watch making Eddison Tollett the 999th Lord Commander of the Night's Watch. Now I really doubt that it's sheer coincedence that the Second Long Night is coming and we're just one number away from 1000 so it seems obvious to me that the 1000th Lord Commander will be a big deal of sorts. I'm just wondering what everyone elses theory on this is.

This could mean that Eddison could either pass the title on to someone else after or during the war or even become a casualty himself thus needing a new Lord Commander. As I said, the reason I believe there will be another Lord Commander by the end of the series is because having it one short off 1000 just seems so perfect to me.

Perhaps a broken character who plays a big part during the war (maybe even as apart of the prophecy) such as Jaime Lannister could take the position guarding the realm in the future. This especially seems plausiable with his


recent capture by Dany on the field of fire, it is entirely plausible that she captures him and somehow the exchange ends up with Jaime heading towards the wall.

Also it stokes the idea that Jaime could be the Lightbringer in the prophecy, the weapon used to defeat the White Walkers (credit to the original theory: https://www.reddit.com/r/asoiaf/comments/23ygdf/spoilers_all_azor_ahai_jaime_lannister/).

Another possible theory is that Jorah Mormont might take up the seat as the 1000th Commander of the Nights Watch. Jorah Mormont, like Jaime, is another Knight who has been disgraced by different rulers throughout his life. Maybe he decides to ultimately redeem himself by becoming the new Lord Commander of the Nights Watch like his father was before him. In the book series it is mentioned by Jeor that his one wish is for Jorah to join the Nights Watch.

Another idea is that maybe the Nights Watch is ultimately disbanded or destroyed during or after the war and the significance lies in the fact that they never reach the 1000th Lord Commander.

So, what are your ideas about the 1000th Lord Commander of the Nights Watch? Also apologies if my writing and sentence structure is a bit off right now. It's half four in the morning where I am.

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