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What's that Nana?


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So this is just a look at some of the random things Old Nan has said. Some questions about them or thoughts. Just something for fun, that may or may not lead to anything.








A Game of Thrones - Bran I

It made Bran's skin prickle to think of it. He remembered the hearth tales Old Nan told them. The wildlings were cruel men, she said, slavers and slayers and thieves. They consorted with giants and ghouls, stole girl children in the dead of night, and drank blood from polished horns. And their women lay with the Others in the Long Night to sire terrible half-human children.


I wonder if you can physically actually sleep with an Other



A Game of Thrones - Bran II

 Old Nan told him a story about a bad little boy who climbed too high and was struck down by lightning, and how afterward the crows came to peck out his eyes.


Could this be Ser Symeon Star Eyes? 



A Game of Thrones - Bran IV

"It was just a lie," he said bitterly, remembering the crow from his dream. "I can't fly. I can't even run."

"Crows are all liars," Old Nan agreed, from the chair where she sat doing her needlework. "I know a story about a crow."


Could this be the same story mentioned just a quote earlier? Hmm



A Game of Thrones - Bran IV

"I don't care whose stories they are," Bran told her, "I hate them." He didn't want stories and he didn't want Old Nan. He wanted his mother and father. He wanted to go running with Summer loping beside him. He wanted to climb the broken tower and feed corn to the crows. He wanted to ride his pony again with his brothers. He wanted it to be the way it had been before.

          "I know a story about a boy who hated stories," Old Nan said with her stupid little smile, her needles moving all the while, click click click, until Bran was ready to scream at her.


I wonder if this is the same boy who got hit by lightening and his eyes pecked out by a crow.



A Game of Thrones - Bran IV

"Oh, my sweet summer child," Old Nan said quietly, "what do you know of fear? Fear is for the winter, my little lord, when the snows fall a hundred feet deep and the ice wind comes howling out of the north. Fear is for the long night, when the sun hides its face for years at a time, and little children are born and live and die all in darkness while the direwolves grow gaunt and hungry, and the white walkers move through the woods."

"You mean the Others," Bran said querulously.

                                 "The Others," Old Nan agreed. "Thousands and thousands of years ago, a winter fell that was cold and hard and endless beyond all memory of man. There came a night that lasted a generation, and kings shivered and died in their castles even as the swineherds in their hovels. Women smothered their children rather than see them starve, and cried, and felt their tears freeze on their cheeks." Her voice and her needles fell silent, and she glanced up at Bran with pale, filmy eyes and asked, "So, child. This is the sort of story you like?"

"Well," Bran said reluctantly, "yes, only …"

                       Old Nan nodded. "In that darkness, the Others came for the first time," she said as her needles went click click click. "They were cold things, dead things, that hated iron and fire and the touch of the sun, and every creature with hot blood in its veins. They swept over holdfasts and cities and kingdoms, felled heroes and armies by the score, riding their pale dead horses and leading hosts of the slain. All the swords of men could not stay their advance, and even maidens and suckling babes found no pity in them. They hunted the maids through frozen forests, and fed their dead servants on the flesh of human children."

Her voice had dropped very low, almost to a whisper, and Bran found himself leaning forward to listen.


"Now these were the days before the Andals came, and long before the women fled across the narrow sea from the cities of the Rhoyne, and the hundred kingdoms of those times were the kingdoms of the First Men, who had taken these lands from the children of the forest. Yet here and there in the fastness of the woods the children still lived in their wooden cities and hollow hills, and the faces in the trees kept watch. So as cold and death filled the earth, the last hero determined to seek out the children, in the hopes that their ancient magics could win back what the armies of men had lost. He set out into the dead lands with a sword, a horse, a dog, and a dozen companions. For years he searched, until he despaired of ever finding the children of the forest in their secret cities. One by one his friends died, and his horse, and finally even his dog, and his sword froze so hard the blade snapped when he tried to use it. And the Others smelled the hot blood in him, and came silent on his trail, stalking him with packs of pale white spiders big as hounds—"

All Bran could think of was Old Nan's story of the Others and the last hero, hounded through the white woods by dead men and spiders big as hounds. He was afraid for a moment, until he remembered how that story ended. "The children will help him," he blurted, "the children of the forest!"


Personally the most interesting part of this tale IMO. His magic sword failed him. Followed by the last part. As it would imply The Last Hero was Brandon the Builder who had built the Wall with the help of the COTF. 



A Game of Thrones - Eddard V

"Dark wings, dark words," Ned murmured. It was a proverb Old Nan had taught him as a boy.


I do wonder what Old Nan knows about crows that makes her so against them



A Game of Thrones - Arya III

From somewhere far below her, she heard noises. The scrape of boots, the distant sound of voices. A flickering light brushed the wall ever so faintly, and she saw that she stood at the top of a great black well, a shaft twenty feet across plunging deep into the earth. Huge stones had been set into the curving walls as steps, circling down and down, dark as the steps to hell that Old Nan used to tell them of. And something was coming up out of the darkness, out of the bowels of the earth …

Arya peered over the edge and felt the cold black breath on her face. Far below, she saw the light of a single torch, small as the flame of a candle. Two men, she made out. Their shadows writhed against the sides of the well, tall as giants. She could hear their voices, echoing up the shaft.


I wonder if these are the steps down to the Crypts that Old Nan refers to




A Game of Thrones - Bran VI

The Karstarks came in on a cold windy morning, bringing three hundred horsemen and near two thousand foot from their castle at Karhold. The steel points of their pikes winked in the pale sunlight as the column approached. A man went before them, pounding out a slow, deep-throated marching rhythm on a drum that was bigger than he was, boom, boom, boom.

Bran watched them come from a guard turret atop the outer wall, peering through Maester Luwin's bronze far-eye while perched on Hodor's shoulders. Lord Rickard himself led them, his sons Harrion and Eddard and Torrhen riding beside him beneath night-black banners emblazoned with the white sunburst of their House. Old Nan said they had Stark blood in them, going back hundreds of years, but they did not look like Starks to Bran. They were big men, and fierce, faces covered with thick beards, hair worn loose past the shoulders. Their cloaks were made of skins, the pelts of bear and seal and wolf.


Well they may not look like the Stark do now, but they do look like the Starks Bran later see's in his visions of Winterfell. I wonder what happened to the main line to cause the Starks to look different than they used to.



A Game of Thrones - Arya V

 Old Nan used to tell stories of boys who stowed away on trading galleys and sailed off into all kinds of adventures. Maybe Arya could do that too. She decided to visit the riverfront. It was on the way to the Mud Gate anyway, and she hadn't checked that one today.


I wonder if Old Nana is talking about a particular Stark



A Game of Thrones - Bran VII

"There was a knight once who couldn't see," Bran said stubbornly, as Ser Rodrik went on below. "Old Nan told me about him. He had a long staff with blades at both ends and he could spin it in his hands and chop two men at once."

"Symeon Star-Eyes," Luwin said as he marked numbers in a book. "When he lost his eyes, he put star sapphires in the empty sockets, or so the singers claim. Bran, that is only a story, like the tales of Florian the Fool. A fable from the Age of Heroes." The maester tsked. "You must put these dreams aside, they will only break your heart."


I wonder if this is the boy struck by lightening and had his eyes pecked out by Crows



A Game of Thrones - Bran VII

"Do you recall your history, Bran?" the maester said as they walked. "Tell Osha who they were and what they did, if you can."

He looked at the passing faces and the tales came back to him. The maester had told him the stories, and Old Nan had made them come alive. "That one is Jon Stark. When the sea raiders landed in the east, he drove them out and built the castle at White Harbor. His son was Rickard Stark, not my father's father but another Rickard, he took the Neck away from the Marsh King and married his daughter. Theon Stark's the real thin one with the long hair and the skinny beard. They called him the 'Hungry Wolf,' because he was always at war. That's a Brandon, the tall one with the dreamy face, he was Brandon the Shipwright, because he loved the sea. His tomb is empty. He tried to sail west across the Sunset Sea and was never seen again. His son was Brandon the Burner, because he put the torch to all his father's ships in grief. There's Rodrik Stark, who won Bear Island in a wrestling match and gave it to the Mormonts. And that's Torrhen Stark, the King Who Knelt. He was the last King in the North and the first Lord of Winterfell, after he yielded to Aegon the Conqueror. Oh, there, he's Cregan Stark. He fought with Prince Aemon once, and the Dragonknight said he'd never faced a finer swordsman." They were almost at the end now, and Bran felt a sadness creeping over him. "And there's my grandfather, Lord Rickard, who was beheaded by Mad King Aerys. His daughter Lyanna and his son Brandon are in the tombs beside him. Not me, another Brandon, my father's brother. They're not supposed to have statues, that's only for the lords and the kings, but my father loved them so much he had them done."

"The maid's a fair one," Osha said.


So not much from me personally here, except this part seems odd to me. I know your sad about your father, but burning all your ships out of grief? Did no one smack this guy upside his head? This is stupid on so many levels i shouldn't even have to list them. Iron Born for one? I can't help but think there is more to this than we're told.



A Clash of Kings






A Clash of Kings - Arya III

She remembered a story Old Nan had told once, about a man imprisoned in a dark castle by evil giants. He was very brave and smart and he tricked the giants and escaped . . . but no sooner was he outside the castle than the Others took him, and drank his hot red blood. Now she knew how he must have felt.


Well now, this is an interesting tale. I wonder what "Dark Castle" this could be? Castle Black? The Night Fort? The Darklyn Castle? Moat Cailyn?



A Clash of Kings - Bran II

The next day two of them came together to audience; the Greatjon's uncles, blustery men in the winter of their days with beards as white as the bearskin cloaks they wore. A crow had once taken Mors for dead and pecked out his eye, so he wore a chunk of dragonglass in its stead. As Old Nan told the tale, he'd grabbed the crow in his fist and bitten its head off, so they named him Crowfood. She would never tell Bran why his gaunt brother Hother was called Whoresbane.


this is also interesting. Was Bloodraven or someone else looking to try and awaken Mors Umber's 3rd eye?



A Clash of Kings - Arya VI

It would be better once they got to Harrenhal, the captives told each other, but Arya was not so certain. She remembered Old Nan's stories of the castle built on fear. Harren the Black had mixed human blood in the mortar, Nan used to say, dropping her voice so the children would need to lean close to hear, but Aegon's dragons had roasted Harren and all his sons within their great walls of stone. Arya chewed her lip as she walked along on feet grown hard with callus. It would not be much longer, she told herself; those towers could not be more than a few miles off.


This is not the first time Harrenhal is mentioned by Nan, but the mention of Blood mixed in the mortar makes me wonder about the Black Castle of Harrenhal. Black Oily Stone, and if this is not how it's made. Idk. But him dying and his soul going into the stone, like the Trees does sound an intriguing idea.




A Clash of Kings - Arya VII

Sometimes she thought they were all mice within those thick walls, even the knights and the great lords. The size of the castle made even Gregor Clegane seem small. Harrenhal covered thrice as much ground as Winterfell, and its buildings were so much larger they could scarcely be compared. Its stables housed a thousand horses, its godswood covered twenty acres, its kitchens were as large as Winterfell's Great Hall, and its own great hall, grandly named the Hall of a Hundred Hearths even though it only had thirty and some (Arya had tried to count them, twice, but she came up with thirty-three once and thirty-five the other time) was so cavernous that Lord Tywin could have feasted his entire host, though he never did. Walls, doors, halls, steps, everything was built to an inhuman scale that made Arya remember the stories Old Nan used to tell of the giants who lived beyond the Wall.


Could Harren the Black have been a giant???




A Clash of Kings - Catelyn IV

Renly's battles were already coming apart as the rumors spread from mouth to mouth. The nightfires had burned low, and as the east began to lighten the immense mass of Storm's End emerged like a dream of stone while wisps of pale mist raced across the field, flying from the sun on wings of wind. Morning ghosts, she had heard Old Nan call them once, spirits returning to their graves. And Renly one of them now, gone like his brother Robert, like her own dear Ned.


Old Nan seldom seems random, so though idk what to make of it, i do find it interesting.



A Clash of Kings - Bran V

"Your own folk. In fear. Some will hate you if they know what you are. Some will even try to kill you."

Old Nan told scary stories of beastlings and shapechangers sometimes. In the stories they were always evil. "I'm not like that," Bran said. "I'm not. It's only dreams."

"The wolf dreams are no true dreams. You have your eye closed tight whenever you're awake, but as you drift off it flutters open and your soul seeks out its other half. The power is strong in you."


Or is he the monster? We always want to be the Hero of our own story. This reminds me of another GRRM book.



A Clash of Kings - Bran VI

The rest had left eight days past, six hundred men from Winterfell and the nearest holdfasts. Cley Cerwyn was bringing three hundred more to join them on the march, and Maester Luwin had sent ravens before them, summoning levies from White Harbor and the barrowlands and even the deep places inside the wolfswood. Torrhen's Square was under attack by some monstrous war chief named Dagmer Cleftjaw. Old Nan said he couldn't be killed, that once a foe had cut his head in two with an axe, but Dagmer was so fierce he'd just pushed the two halves back together and held them until they healed up. Could Dagmer have won? Torrhen's Square was many days from Winterfell, yet still . . .

OOOOOOOOO i wanna call BS on Old Nan! But i can't, cause this actually could have happened thanks to stitches.



A Storm of Swords - Bran IV

He brought her back to the Nightfort and proclaimed her a queen and himself her king, and with strange sorceries he bound his Sworn Brothers to his will. For thirteen years they had ruled, Night's King and his corpse queen, till finally the Stark of Winterfell and Joramun of the wildlings had joined to free the Watch from bondage. After his fall, when it was found he had been sacrificing to the Others, all records of Night's King had been destroyed, his very name forbidden.

"Some say he was a Bolton," Old Nan would always end. "Some say a Magnar out of Skagos, some say Umber, Flint, or Norrey. Some would have you think he was a Woodfoot, from them who ruled Bear Island before the ironmen came. He never was. He was a Stark, the brother of the man who brought him down." She always pinched Bran on the nose then, he would never forget it. "He was a Stark of Winterfell, and who can say? Mayhaps his name was Brandon. Mayhaps he slept in this very bed in this very room."

No, Bran thought, but he walked in this castle, where we'll sleep tonight. He did not like that notion very much at all. Night's King was only a man by light of day, Old Nan would always say, but the night was his to rule. And it's getting dark.


This is interesting in that we never hear of his brother's name until TWOIAF, from Maester Yandel. Where ever he got his source, claims, the Night's King's (Whom Nan names Brandon) was brought down by Brandon the Breaker (whom Nan claims was brother to the Night's King). I hate to question Old Nan, but this time i have to a lil. Idk. At least that both were named Brandon. Unless Brandon means something else in this world and was a title at first. ? 

                          (As i typed i looked it up-   


 The name Brandon is an English baby name. In English the meaning of the name Brandon is: Derived from a surname and place name based on the Old English for 'hill covered with broom'. Broom is a prolific weed. Also, 'From the beacon hill'.

Wellllll now, this issss interesting. I can't believe i never noticed this before hahaha (My brother's name is Brandon also ha!) 

Beacon Hill? Hightower? Uthor of the Hightower who i link to Brandon the Builder in other threads. Any ways. Back on topic.




(Ironically, soon as i hit post, it erased everything to this point hahah again. Sooooooo, ill have to re-add the rest later :P:) ) posting now though cause screw it


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2 minutes ago, OtherFromAnotherMother said:

You believe that because Nan says "mayhaps his name was Brandon" then did a quick search you learned that Brandon can mean "from the beacon hill" that the Night's King was a Hightower. Am I understanding this correctly? 


No, i've already made that link else where. That was just another clue i hadn't noticed. Read.

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2 hours ago, AlaskanSandman said:

No, i've already made that link else where. That was just another clue i hadn't noticed. Read.

Your response doesn't make sense to me. You don't think he was a Hightower, it is just a clue he was? I don't get that.

Are you saying no to my question "Am I understanding this correctly?" Or no you don't think he is a Hightower? 

And read what? The books? 

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6 hours ago, OtherFromAnotherMother said:

Your response doesn't make sense to me. You don't think he was a Hightower, it is just a clue he was? I don't get that.

Are you saying no to my question "Am I understanding this correctly?" Or no you don't think he is a Hightower? 

And read what? The books? 

Yea im not sure whats throwing you lol

and read the og post and it answers that.

9 hours ago, AlaskanSandman said:

Beacon Hill? Hightower? Uthor of the Hightower who i link to Brandon the Builder in other threads. Any ways. Back on topic.

I really shouldnt have to explain more beyond this. Yes, i think he was a Hightower. No, im not explaining that whole thing here yet, as that was not the purpose of this post

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9 hours ago, AlaskanSandman said:

I do wonder what Old Nan knows about crows that makes her so against them

Me too. What is the difference between a raven & a crow? Because Nan's "All crows are liars" always makes me think this is a hint that the 3ER is a liar & up to no good. 

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4 minutes ago, Lyanna<3Rhaegar said:

Me too. What is the difference between a raven & a crow? Because Nan's "All crows are liars" always makes me think this is a hint that the 3ER is a liar & up to no good. 

Seriously, i can't help but feel the same way. Part of this was to be a general look at things she says, and whether or not they are true, and if so, what else is she saying. 

She slams crows alotttttt, on top of flat out calling them all liars. Now this could obviously just have to do with a Black Brother, but it could also have to do with the Three Eyed Crow. 

The difference between crows and ravens i find interesting too. And Bran list 3 types of dreams, Tree dreams, wolf dreams, and crow dreams. He even comes to Jon as a Tree him self. So who or what is the Crow.

I saw an interesting theory to do with Sweet Robin some one mentioned, that has me wondering if maybe their might be some connection between these two parallel characters. 

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32 minutes ago, AlaskanSandman said:

Yea im not sure whats throwing you lol

and read the og post and it answers that.

10 hours ago, AlaskanSandman said:

Beacon Hill? Hightower? Uthor of the Hightower who i link to Brandon the Builder in other threads. Any ways. Back on topic.

I really shouldnt have to explain more beyond this. Yes, i think he was a Hightower. No, im not explaining that whole thing here yet, as that was not the purpose of this post

I didn't realize I was expected to have read all your threads to be able to respond to you. You'll have to excuse my laziness in responding to words you wrote on this post and not reading all your other posts first. Sorry.

Old Nan says ""He was a Stark of Winterfell, and who can say? Mayhaps his name was Brandon. Mayhaps he slept in this very bed in this very room."

How do you accept that his name is mayhaps Brandon (leading to the Hightower connection), yet disregard that she also states he was a Stark?

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15 minutes ago, OtherFromAnotherMother said:

I didn't realize I was expected to have read all your threads to be able to respond to you. You'll have to excuse my laziness in responding to words you wrote on this post and not reading all your other posts first. Sorry.

Old Nan says ""He was a Stark of Winterfell, and who can say? Mayhaps his name was Brandon. Mayhaps he slept in this very bed in this very room."

How do you accept that his name is mayhaps Brandon (leading to the Hightower connection), yet disregard that she also states he was a Stark?

Forgive me if i understood your initial comment to not actually be a genuine curiosity but an attempt to discredit. To which i wasn't worried about defending on here.

It's a little deeper than that. Starts at a few points. 

1. You can see the wall from the Hightower. Not literally of course, but with Class Candles you could. Yet, this is odd still.

2. Uthor=Hugor= Huzhor= Azor/ Last Hero= Eldric Shadowchaser= Edrick Snowbeard/ Edric Dayne?= Brandon Stark = Brandon (Beacon Tower)

There is a name phonetic hint in some of the names as you slide across the map. Ending with Brandon who's name means Beacon Tower.

3. I think there is a narrative in the past with the myths. Starting with a kidnapping.

Uthor vs Argoth Stone Skin for Maris the Maid (With Brandon the Builder building his Hightower).

then, a marriage, with Durran wedding Elenai, but getting attacked on his wedding night. (with Brandon the Builder building his castle)

Next tale in the order of events may be Azor Ahai/ The Last Hero- Who's tale ends with him meeting the CotF and gaining their help. 

Leading straight into Brandon the Builder building the Wall and Winterfell and starting the Night's Watch who fight the Battle of the Dawn.

Followed by the Night's King, who may have been a Brandon Stark.

4. The Starks were invaders of the North who booted out House Blackwood, took their lands, and possibly took Gaven GreyWolf's imagery and words as their own as Orys Baratheon had done with Durrandon. Stark may not have been their og name. 

They only pop up in the North around the time of the Wall and the Long Night, which fits in with him being in the South earlier in his life, down around Old Town for a time at least. 

Just to name a few "possible" connections. 

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26 minutes ago, OtherFromAnotherMother said:

, yet disregard that she also states he was a Stark?

Stark just means "Strong, Brave".

Being that Brandon the Builder may have been the Last Hero. He would be the Strong Brave one of the House. The Battle for the Dawn which many think took place in the South anyways on Battle Isle.

Edit- Literally, his name could be translated as Brave/Strong one of the Beacon Tower. 


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42 minutes ago, AlaskanSandman said:

Seriously, i can't help but feel the same way. Part of this was to be a general look at things she says, and whether or not they are true, and if so, what else is she saying. 

She slams crows alotttttt, on top of flat out calling them all liars. Now this could obviously just have to do with a Black Brother, but it could also have to do with the Three Eyed Crow. 

The difference between crows and ravens i find interesting too. And Bran list 3 types of dreams, Tree dreams, wolf dreams, and crow dreams. He even comes to Jon as a Tree him self. So who or what is the Crow.

I saw an interesting theory to do with Sweet Robin some one mentioned, that has me wondering if maybe their might be some connection between these two parallel characters. 

I don't want to derail the thread but thought this was interesting a quick Google search yielded that there aren't many differences between a raven & a crow. They are strikingly similar in appearance with the main differences being that Ravens travel in pairs while crows travel in larger groups, their tails are shaped differently, & a Raven 'croaks' while a Crow 'caws'. 

Not to mention what a raven symbolises in literature & Greek mythology. I think ole Blood Raven is going to try to corrupt our sweet summer child 

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1 minute ago, Lyanna<3Rhaegar said:

I don't want to derail the thread but thought this was interesting a quick Google search yielded that there aren't many differences between a raven & a crow. They are strikingly similar in appearance with the main differences being that Ravens travel in pairs while crows travel in larger groups, their tails are shaped differently, & a Raven 'croaks' while a Crow 'caws'. 

Not to mention what a raven symbolises in literature & Greek mythology. I think ole Blood Raven is going to try to corrupt our sweet summer child 

No no, derail hahaha that's kind of the point of this thread. To take things she says and relate them to bigger things and discuss them. By all means :D 

I think it's definitely worth looking into more and keeping an eye on moving forward. 

Often i find going back to the books after new revelations opens your eyes to new things. 

As far as what i highlighted. This actually fits beautifully into a general idea i have about the myths, and two brothers at war for their sister. The Crow vs the Raven, i like it

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19 minutes ago, AlaskanSandman said:


Edit- Literally, his name could be translated as Brave/Strong one of the Beacon Tower. 


This opens new questions for me. Like what does it mean then, when a Stark goes South?

Cause, this would seem to suggest the Starks hold the North, and the Hightowers hold the South. The South doesn't get involved in Northern affairs.

So what does it mean when Cregan Stark, or Eddard Stark, comes south to involve them selves?

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21 minutes ago, Lyanna<3Rhaegar said:


We know the crow possibly visited Bran and Robin both as they both mention flying, vague, but it's there.

Bloodraven is a raven and confused by being asked about being the crow. To which he responds saying that he was a Black brother. Who are called crows only by the Wildlings. Who may be calling the wrong side crows for all we know. 

Just some random tinfoil

Edit- Hard to ignore that a gathering of crows is a murder too, crow = death?

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56 minutes ago, OtherFromAnotherMother said:


Forgive me, but soon as i do post a theory thread that talks more about my theories, i get comments about me using the Forum as a sound board or my chalk board to just get out my ideas and that im not seeking others input and all this other blah blah blah. Never mind when i post threads asking questions and never really respond further too, just sit back and read all the comments and answers. 

Im not trying to be rude to you or any one, just trying not to be bated into pointless stuff


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31 minutes ago, Lyanna<3Rhaegar said:

I don't want to derail the thread but thought this was interesting a quick Google search yielded that there aren't many differences between a raven & a crow. They are strikingly similar in appearance with the main differences being that Ravens travel in pairs while crows travel in larger groups, their tails are shaped differently, & a Raven 'croaks' while a Crow 'caws'. 

Not to mention what a raven symbolises in literature & Greek mythology. I think ole Blood Raven is going to try to corrupt our sweet summer child 

The only reference i can find off hand between the Arryns and a crow, is the Stone Crows. Which stone has been used to represent death before with the Stone men. But that's all i have for now for direct references haha

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2 minutes ago, Lady Dacey said:

The boy that got struck by lightning died... then the crows pecked at his eyes. I've always read it that eay at least.

Could very well be. Taking them at face value is often easiest. Kind of tin foil questioning on my end. No real evidence :)

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54 minutes ago, AlaskanSandman said:

No no, derail hahaha that's kind of the point of this thread. To take things she says and relate them to bigger things and discuss them. By all means :D 

I think it's definitely worth looking into more and keeping an eye on moving forward. 

Often i find going back to the books after new revelations opens your eyes to new things. 

As far as what i highlighted. This actually fits beautifully into a general idea i have about the myths, and two brothers at war for their sister. The Crow vs the Raven, i like it

I always set out when doing a reread with a specific topic in mind to pay attention for & always end up half way through the series, my first topic long forgotten, looking up things on whatever new tangent my mind has taken me on. This series really is a gem. 

The Crow vs The Raven sounds spectacular! 

37 minutes ago, AlaskanSandman said:

We know the crow possibly visited Bran and Robin both as they both mention flying, vague, but it's there.

I never connected Sweet Robin with the crow. That's great. He also has seizures which in that-which-must-not-be-named Hodor appears to have while his mind is being messed with.  Still vague but interesting. 


37 minutes ago, AlaskanSandman said:

Bloodraven is a raven and confused by being asked about being the crow. To which he responds saying that he was a Black brother. Who are called crows only by the Wildlings. Who may be calling the wrong side crows for all we know

Alas, I had forgotten that Bran has the three eyed crow & not the three eyed raven. For our purposes I don't know if it makes much difference but it does beg the question: Does BR not know how he appears to Bran in his dreams? Or is it not BR appearing to Bran at all? 


37 minutes ago, AlaskanSandman said:

Edit- Hard to ignore that a gathering of crows is a murder too, crow = death?

Absolutely. Also, in Greek mythology, the raven is associated with Apollo, the god of prophecy, & considered to be a symbol of bad luck. I seem to remember a story about the Ravens being white but Apollo burnt one because he was angry & ever after they were black. Something like that. 

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