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Craster didn't give any indication that he would marry his granddaughter

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I agree with Varysblackfyre321 - Craster sacrificed all the male babies to the Others. He married off all the females - to himself. This seems very clear from the descriptions of the man and his compound. No telling how many generations this had gone on. Craster probably even beat Walder Frey's record.

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7 minutes ago, John Suburbs said:

Ditto above, but another conundrum arises: if Craster fathers a daughter on one of his daughters, does that make the child his daughter or his grand daughter, or both?


Both, I'd presume. But they'd probably only ever call him 'father'.

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1 minute ago, Lady Dacey said:

Or 'husband'. 

What a sad fate.

A ridiculously sad fate. 

It seems they call Craster “father” up until marriage, and then it becomes “husband”, which is such a sick mental switch. Look at how the daughter wives are actually slaves (even though Craster has them parrot they are “free”). And I believe Gilly explains Craster was her father until she drank the wine in summer and he became her husband. 

Yeah, Craster worships other gods, alright. 

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2 hours ago, John Suburbs said:

if Craster fathers a daughter on one of his daughters, does that make the child his daughter or his grand daughter, or both?

Both. Moreover, daughter 1's daughter is also daughter 1's sister. As they say, "Forget it, Jake. It's Chinatown."

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4 hours ago, Lucius Lovejoy said:

I have always been curious what his inheritance/succession plan was.  Just die and let his daughters/granddaughters/wives figure it out?

I guess their brother-sons, uncle-brother brother-nephews would come get them? I mean they fully expected the boys to come after Craster was killed? I mean these are probably seen the mothers as the mothers of the leaders of the successors of  mankind. Then again we know little of the others and how they view things even family.

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He didn't give any indication that he would do otherwise. It was the status quo at Crasters keep. The boys are given to the cold gods and the girls were raised for rearing more babies. 

Craster is very much the odd man out north-of-the-wall as he has little to no affiliation with Mance and the rest of the wildlings. So marrying daughters off would be pointless. Sadly, he really has only one use for his wives/daughters. 

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