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What Stannis intend to do with Melisandre after taking the Iron throne?


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I am wondering what are his intentions about her, will he thanks her for help then dismiss her or will he allow her and queen's men to forcefully convert populace to R'hllor, in that case he will be little better than Joffrey or will stab her in back?

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3 hours ago, Lady Dacey said:

Stannis is never going to sit the Iron Throne. That aside, he'd never stab anyone in their backs. He'd probably grant her burn the High Sept and the castle's Gods Wood and stablish her as high priestess. 

If he does that, then better to expect uprising against him.

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Lame as it is to say, I don’t think Stannis has at any point thought that far ahead. His comments to Davos about making new lords, admirable though it was, indicates that he doesn’t give much consideration to the reactions major decisions would generate. He seems pretty focused on whatever is right in front of him, though he does show growth by taking Jon’s advice about how to campaign against the Bolton.

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On 1/27/2018 at 10:01 AM, John Suburbs said:

I think the better question is what Melisandre intends to do with Stannis after taking the Iron Throne.

Use his armies to defeat the Others.  After that get Stannis to sanction her burning septons, destroying septs, and cutting down weirwoods.


Back to the OP, this would really depend on the manner in which Stannis were to win the Iron Throne.  If it were by uniting the north by taking out the Boltons, then using northern and sellsword armies along with his own men to take out Tommen and Aegon through traditional warfare, then Mel is of little use and probably gets sent packing with some reward for her usefulness.  If he won the throne through obvious displays of mysterious magical power, and needed to use the people's fear of her to keep order, then I suppose he would essentially make her the new high septon.

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Some great quips here.  Stannis doesn't like women and I doubt he likes Mel any more than anyone else.   He likes Davos, but that didn't stop him from chopping off fingertips or tossing him in jail.  The most current look I got at Stannis shows a man vitalized by his own machinations, untethered by either counselor.   If he pulls off a win at Winterfell I can see him shrugging Mel off.   Leave her where she can do the most good with her biggest fan, Selyse.    It's a triple win for Stannis.  There really isn't any reason for Mel to follow him to Kings Landing.  She's already made up her mind her fight is where she is.   I guess if he won the IT he could send a serious fighting force to the Wall to aid her, but I doubt he would continue to court the favor of R'hllor.   

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8 minutes ago, Universal Sword Donor said:

Tell that to Alester

In his mind, Alester was doing the back-stabbing right? I don't think he'd turn against Melissandre after conquering the IT if he still saw her as loyal to him. We don't have to worry about that because he's got like 0,1% chance of sitting on the IT. 

He is very "righteous", like Tarly for exemple. Two terrible people in my humble opinion, but not treacherous I think. I can't see Stannis using Melissandre just as means to an end. 


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