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ACOK Reread - Tyrion


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I noticed that the beginning of the conversation begins with Tyrion's acceptance of the hard words. He starts with threats when it is too much. And from his threats you can see how smart he is

Have you given any thought to what Joffrey will do when I tell him you murdered his father to bed his mother


“ . . . hated every instant of it, is that what you would have me believe? A high place at court, knighthood, my sister’s legs opening for you at night, oh, yes, it must have been terrible for you.â€

Tyrion is pretty hard on the boy. But he deserves it. I don't think I would ever make a connection between killing father and bedding mother.
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THis chapter shows that Lancel is not made of the stuff other Lannisters are made of -- he is absolutely floored when Tyrion lets him know his little game with Cersei and the murer of Robert are known.

In retrospect, these chapters are sad. Tyrion is playing the game as well as anyone, and soon his father will take it all from him.

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Tyrion (VIII) {XVII}

The small council is listening to Varys’ report of Renly’s death, but the Spider is not sure how Renly died. They bicker over the fact that only a small portion of Renly’s army bent the knee to King Stannis, led by Lord Alester Florent. Ser Loras Tyrell and most of the great Lords of Highgarden did not join Stannis, and Tyrion feels there is an opportunity to try and win them over. Varys claims that Ser Loras killed three of the Rainbow Guard in a rage when he found the king dead, including Ser Robar Royce and Ser Emmon Cuy. They decide that a large amount of money and a proposal of marriage between Margaery and King Joffrey may win over Ser Loras and his father, the keys to obtaining the huge host. It is then decided that Littlefinger will treat with the Tyrells, and he requests a three-hundred troop honor guard, gold, a letter of authority, and Ser Hobber Redwyne in order to assure Lord Paxter comes over as well with his entire fleet. Afterwards, Cersei kisses Tyrion on the brow and thanks him, but Tyrion knows that it is not due to her affection for him, but rather that she is hatching some plan.

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I just realized the irony of Tyrion's idea of trying to win over the Tyrells. It eventually saved Kingslanding from Stannis, but it also led to the accusations of Tyrion killing Joffrey.

Uhm. Don't you just know that LF had a heyday planning Joff's murder with the Tyrells. I can't wait to find out who actually slipped the Strangler in the cup ater the Queen of Thorns pulled it from Sansa's hairnet.

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Uhm. Don't you just know that LF had a heyday planning Joff's murder with the Tyrells. I can't wait to find out who actually slipped the Strangler in the cup ater the Queen of Thorns pulled it from Sansa's hairnet.

IIRC, george said that we already know enough about who killed Joff, so I don't think he will be getting back at that

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  • 2 weeks later...

Tyrion (IX) {XVIII}

Introduced: Ser Osmund Kettleblack (a hedge knight, later member of King Joffrey and King Tommen’s Kingsguard; elder brother of Ser Osfryd and Ser Osney, son of Oswell Kettleblack);

Osney Kettleblack (brother of Ser Osmund working for Queen Cersei, later knighted, then named King Tommen's sworn sword; currently imprisoned by the Faith at the Great Sept of Baelor);

Osfryd Kettleblack (middle brother of Serg Osmund and Ser Osney, knighted alongside Osney; later named Commander of the Gold Cloaks after Ser Addam Marbrand; currently removed as Commander by command of Ser Harys Swyft and Grand Maester Pycelle).

First Mentioned: Ser Tygett Lannister* (Tyg, brother of Lord Tywin, Ser Kevan, Lady Genna Frey, and Gerion; father of Tyrek, uncle of Cersei, Jaime, Tyrion, and Lancel; died of a pox).

Tyrion, the royal family, and their retainers are at the docks to see Princess Myrcella off to Dorne. Tyrion is sending Ser Arys Oakheart with her as her sworn shield. Prince Doran Martell has promised to move his banners into the high passes once Myrcella is safely at Sunspear. Tyrion knows one of Cersei’s secrets, how she is consorting with the unsavory hedge knight Ser Osmund Kettleblack and his brothers in order to raise her own force of sellswords. What the Queen didn’t know was that Bronn was matching every copper she gave the Kettleblacks, thus Ser Osmund was really one of Tyrion’s men. On the ride back to Maegor’s Holdfast, things get out of hand when someone in the crowd hits Joff in the face with dung, and the king sends the Hound to deal with the perpetrator. The crowd, frenzied due to the lack of food and the harsh living conditions, boils over and begins to trample the procession. Sensing what was about to happen, Tyrion screams for them to ride hard for the gates of the Holdfast. In the mad rush, several members are lost, and by the time Tyrion reaches the safety of the gates, their lives are in doubt.

As Joff is ranting about traitors and how they attacked him, Tyrion dismounts and slaps him so hard his crown flies off, and then Tyrion shoves him to the ground, shouting, "You set your dog on them! What did you imagine they would do?" Tyrion commands Ser Boros and Ser Meryn to return and find Sansa and those missing, and when the two Kingsguard balk, Cersei begins to berate them as well for their cowardice. Sansa returns, saved by Sandor Clegane who is covered in blood. Meanwhile, a fire has broken out in the city, and Tyrion can see the fear in the Hound's eyes when he commands men to go and put out the fire. Later, it is discovered that Ser Preston Greenfield, Ser Aron Santagar, and the High Septon lost their lives; Lady Tanda’s slow-witted daughter Lollys is found alive, having been raped by dozens outside a tanner’s shop; and Tyrion’s cousin Tyrek was missing. Tyrion wants his cousin found, mostly because the boy’s father Tygett was always kind to Tyrion. He is dismayed to learn from Ser Jacelyn that many of the City Watch and the commonfolk consider Tyrion the problem in the city, and would revolt given the chance. Later, Bronn remarks, while Varys is in the room, that things would be a lot easier if Tommen were king…

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Sansa shows some good sense in this chapter, urging Joff not to try to punish whoever threw the dung. Of course, Joff ignores good advise.

Tyrek goes missing during the riots. If he is not dead, I don't think LF is responsible for kidnapping him. LF is on his way to treat his the Tyrells. Perhaps Varys saw that he was unhappy having to marry a baby and being called "wetnurse", and he'll end up serving Dany in ADWD.

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Tyrion (X) {XIX}

Introduced: Symon Silver Tongue* (a singer and taleteller; murdered by Bronn at Tyrion's command).

Tyrion learns from Lancel that the Queen intends to hide Tommen away at Rosby under the care of Lord Gyles. Tyrion is disturbed that Varys had not learned of this, or had decided not to inform him. Later, Tyrion has Bronn deliver word to Ser Jacelyn, commanding him to take fifty men and capture Lord Gyles’ party, and to expel the garrison and keep Tommen safe at Rosby. He does not want Lord Rosby hurt, nor any killing done in front of Tommen. For this, Ser Jacelyn will earn a lordship. Tyrion then sets out for Chataya’s, but then abandons his patience and rides directly to Shae’s mansion. He finds her listening to a singer, and has the man expelled and sworn to silence. When one of the begging brothers appears, Shae recognizes him as Lord Varys. The Spider informs Tyrion that Storm’s End has fallen and that Stannis is now marching on King’s Landing.

Alone, Shae asks Tyrion to make her his lady in court, and even suggests he kill Cersei, but Tyrion tells her, "The man who kills his own blood is cursed forever in the sight of gods and men." When Tyrion mentions taking her to the Red Keep and hiding her in the kitchens, Shae balks, and mocks him for being afraid of his father. Tyrion slaps her in the face, telling her never to mock him again. Feeling remorseful, he tells her the story of Tysha and his father’s wrath. He departs to meet Varys at the stables, and the eunuch suggests that Shae be placed as a maidservant to Lady Tanda’s daughter Lollys. Shae would then be able to access the Tower of the Hand through a secret passage, of which Tyrion is surprised to learn exists. Varys then attempts to tell Tyrion how Ser Cortnay died, and when he suggests it was magic, the Hand disbelieves him. Varys then tells a story of how he came to be a eunuch, that he was a member of a mummers’ troupe, and that one day in Myr a certain man bought Varys from his master. The sorcerer castrated Varys, and burned the parts, creating a blue flame from which a voice spoke in a language he didn’t comprehend. Varys claims he has hated magic since that day, and means to see Stannis dead if the man practiced magic. Tyrion seems to disbelieve the story, but notes how he used to dream of being rich enough one day to hire a Faceless Man to kill his sister.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Tyrion (XI) {XX}

First Mentioned: Lord Gulian Swann (Lord of Stonehelm in the Red Watch on the Cape of Wrath, father of Ser Donnel and Ser Balon; his house sworn to Storm's End, the old lord remains at his castle throughout the fighting).

Tyrion dispatches his clansmen into the kingswood to raid Lord Stannis’ baggage trains, ambush his scouts, and perform night raids. Tyrion feels he can trust only about a quarter of the 6,000 men in the City Watch, and feels unprepared for the coming battle. He orders Bronn to start burning down the houses along the wall by the quay, feeling that the enemy could scale the wall easier by climbing on the roofs of the houses. Tyrion is aware that Winterfell had fallen to the ironmen. Ser Balon Swann had been named to the Kingsguard to replace Ser Preston Greenfield, and Tyrion had approved, but he did not approve of Cersei’s choice of Ser Osmund Kettleblack to replace Ser Arys Oakheart. Ser Boros Blount had been stripped of his white cloak after he had surrendered Tommen immediately when Ser Jacelyn’s men overtook them. Ser Boros was rotting in Lord Rosby’s dungeon on the count of treason, since the Kingsguard are supposed to give their lives in defending the royal family.

Tyrion had appointed the new High Septon, and told him to warn the people that Stannis meant to burn the Great Sept of Baelor. Tyrion also visits the Alchemists’ Guild, and is surprised to learn that they have 13,000 jars of wildfire, way ahead of schedule. When Tyrion asks Hallyne why, the pyromancer explains that their spells have been more potent of late, and was at a loss to explain why. He does ask Tyrion if there were any dragons about, and elaborates something he had heard a long time ago, that magic had begun to disappear from the world when the last dragon died. Lord Jacelyn informs Tyrion that Tommen is safe, but the Hand does not know where the boy is being kept in case Tyrion is captured and tortured by the invaders. Varys then informs Tyrion of a plot by several merchants calling themselves Antler Men to arm commoners in the streets. Tyrion writes the order for their arrest, one of them being the master smith Salloreon.

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Hallyne is an unlikely character so have some insight into dragons and magic. He's the second character to notice a returning strength to magic and suspects dragons may be responsible. (Quaithe was the first although according to my timeline that Dany chapter happens after this Tyrion chapter.)

After reading this chapter, I can't figure out why Boros was restored to the KG. Why wouldn't they appoint someone better? Tywin must have had his reasons.

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After reading this chapter, I can't figure out why Boros was restored to the KG. Why wouldn't they appoint someone better? Tywin must have had his reasons.

Maybe he felt Boros was manipulable? Kind of like Cersei's appointments to the council in AFfC, but slightly more subtle.

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Tyrion (XII) {XXI}

Varys shows Tyrion a message from Winterfell that reveals Bran and Rickon were killed at the hands of Theon Greyjoy. Tyrion goes to tell Cersei the news, wanting very much to see her reaction. She tells him she could have frightened Bran into silence, but Jaime reacted without thinking. Tyrion tells her that they must take good care of Sansa, because with two of her sons dead, Lady Catelyn might decide to kill Jaime. Cersei warns him that he trusts Varys too much, telling him that the Spider feeds them all information to make them think they would be helpless without him. She reveals that Varys told her Tyrion meant to take the Hound from Joffrey, and Tyrion explains he needs Sandor Clegane and Ser Balon Swann to lead sorties in the upcoming battle. Tyrion also informs her he means to give Joff a small command far out of the main fighting, so that the men can see their King leading them.

Cersei then springs a surprise on Tyrion, bringing out who she thinks is Tyrion’s whore, Alayaya. The girl has been badly beaten, and the Queen reveals she did this because a Lannister always pays his debts, and Tyrion had been conspiring against her since he arrived. Tyrion pretends to be horrified, but is relieved that his sister had not found Shae. Cersei tells him the whore will not be harmed so long as Tommen remains safe, but Tyrion bluffs by saying he will have Tommen treated the same way the girl is. Alayaya does not give Tyrion away, and goes along with the whole thing. Tyrion then threatens to pay Cersei back for what she did, when she least expects it. Having lost, the Queen shouts at him to get out. He finds Shae in his room, having come through the secret passage, but she was blindfolded by Varys and does not know where the entrance lies.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Tyrion (XIII) {XXII}

Tyrion watches in satisfaction as Stannis’ fleet is largely on fire in the Blackwater Rush. However, several ships did reach the quay and landed men. Tyrion sends Joff off to the catapults where the boy king was looking forward to launching the Antler Men into the fray. Tyrion gets word that there is a large force attempting to batter down the King’s Gate. When he arrives there, he orders the Hound to go out there, but Clegane refuses. Tyrion realizes that the man is afraid of the wildfire, as well as being worn out and covered in blood from the fighting. Tyrion is forced to rally the troops himself, finally succeeding and leads a sortie through the gate to stop Stannis’ men.

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Tyrion (XIV) {XXIII}

Tyrion, with Ser Balon Swann and Ser Mandon Moore at his side are cutting through Stannis’ forces. He is confused to see such a large force of men to the west, seemingly fighting Stannis’ men, and can’t figure out where they came from. But he has little time to consider it, as he sees hundreds of Stannis’ troops crossing the Blackwater by using the half-sunk ships as a bridge. Racing onto the boats, Tyrion’s men are overwhelmed, and he goes over the edge of a gunwale, clinging for his life. Ser Mandon Moore appears and tells Tyrion to take his hand, his left hand. As Tyrion reaches for his hand, he instinctually withdraws as Ser Mandon’s sword slices into his face. Tyrion, grieviously wounded, watches as Podrick Payne saves his life by killing Ser Mandon Moore.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Tyrion (XV) {XXIV}

Introduced: Maester Ballabar (Lord Paxter Redwyne's maester).

Tyrion lies abed dreaming of the men who died fighting alongside him in the battle, as well as those he killed. He dreams of Tysha as well, and when he awakens, realizes that he is not at the Tower of the Hand, and the maester hovering over him is one he does not recognize. Unable to speak, the maester gives him milk of the poppy. Later, when the maester returns, Tyrion knocks the poppy from his hands and demands the cast be removed from his face. Maester Ballabar keeps mumbling about the Queen’s orders, but Tyrion will not listen. He demands wine not poppy, and looks upon his destroyed face in a mirror. Three-quarters of his nose is gone along with part of his lip, and the stitching job was sloppy. Tyrion sends the maester away and asks for Podrick Payne. The boy arrives, and Tyrion swears him to silence about what occurred at the docks with Ser Mandon Moore. He tells Pod to bring Maester Frenken, for he does not trust this new maester.

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  • 6 months later...

A question here....

in ACOK , Tyrion VIII--the council sends LF off to the Tyrell's for the alliance, and presumably with all speed.......

in ACOK, Tyrion IX, Ser Preston was hacked and stabbed to death, and Lollys was gang raped..............

in ASOS, Sansa VI, LF relates to Sansa the following: as LF was negotiating in the Highgarden at the time.....he also planted the notion of Loras joining the Kingsguard, knowing that his temper and Joffrey's cruelty could lead to an ugly situation; he did this, purportedly by talking about the riotous events that happened in Tyrion IX, events that occurred after he left.....

did I miss something? Master of Intrigue and all that aside, how did he have that info? I really don't think he was hanging near KL, as he did later on....

Thanks a TON for anyone who can clear it up for me.... :P

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Well, if you put any stock in my timeline :), LF left KL 10 days before the riots. News of the riots would have reached Highgarden in about 3 days assuming the raven didn't get lost, so it's a good bet that the news of the riot reached Highgarden before LF did.

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TYVM Adeq Jon!

in my post, I was making no assumptions about ravens making it out with the daily news to all corners of the realm, especially with those specific details....just a quibble by me, wondering if it hinted at any connections between LF and someone else I might have missed

Also, could you please direct me to the timeline you mentioned? Many thanks!


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