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Use of the term 'The Others'


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I just watched the extended trailer from EW, and in the beginning there is a fair amount of dialogue about the Others. However, they are always referred to as the 'white walkers'. I take no offense at the use of that term, as it is used interchangeably in the books. Just curious if the production team is avoiding use of the term 'the Others'. I know there was some talk of that here on the boards, related to the others of 'Lost' fame. Has anyone heard anything in any of the videos referring to our frosty friends as the 'Others'?

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Isn't "The Others" capitalized in the books? Thus giving the reader the proper signal to "other" it in terms of meaning (no pun intended).

On film, much more difficult. "Others" is so vague that it might lose people.

That's my guess.

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But isn't that just it? Isn't Martin fundamentally against whitey?

The Others are pale and milky white and notice how all the whites - oh I'm sorry, "wights" - have evil icey-blue eyes. No hispanics or blacks or Asians amongst the horde of the undead are there?

I rest my case.

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I also read on another board the change was made at least in part because Lost also had a group called the Others. Dunno if that's true. But it does also make sense to me just to clarify on screen, I'm fine with it. The Others always sounded off to me in the books anyway. Although if what we saw in the trailer was actually a White Walker, shouldn't it be more, you know, WHITE? Maybe Pale Walker would be better? I always pictured them as being extremely white in the books.

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But isn't that just it? Isn't Martin fundamentally against whitey?

The Others are pale and milky white and notice how all the whites - oh I'm sorry, "wights" - have evil icey-blue eyes. No hispanics or blacks or Asians amongst the horde of the undead are there?

I rest my case.

heh, in all seriousness, I'm wondering as well if they will keep the name "wights". If we have "white walkers" and then "wights" it could confuse people. Might they be called just zombies? The undead? The Dead?

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I'm thinking they'll simplifiy it down.to just one creature, eliminating or combining Wights into White Walkers (Others). There could still be different levels (strengths and intelligences) among WW, like how there are different levels of orc, but they wouldn't have to be explained or have a separate name.

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I'm thinking they'll simplifiy it down.to just one creature, eliminating or combining Wights into White Walkers (Others). There could still be different levels (strengths and intelligences) among WW, like how there are different levels of orc, but they wouldn't have to be explained or have a separate name.

How is this complicated? White Walkers are dangerous creatures. Wights are zombies that are in their thrall. Once you start talking about different levels of White Walkers and then things get complicated. :)

Everyone is familiar with zombies. They are cool right now. Nevermind that it would undermine the whole threat if wights didn't exist. Or if the Others didn't exist (because facing brainless zombies isn't that terrible).

Besides, Ran has already confirmed we will have wights, although yes, I think Trebla is right and they will rename them.

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I wonder if they'll call wights zombies or something else. Since Others are going to be White Walkers, then wight which sounds like "white" could be confusing to viewers.

Not a chance. Unspoken rule in any show/movie with the undead. You don't call the zombies, "zombies," otherwise the characters heads will explode out of sheer awesomeness of living in a comic book world.

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I think there should be a distinction between the Others and the wighs. How they're called is a matter of debate, but at some point the term Others may have to be introduced. I don't think it'll be that confusing.

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