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Pick 10 characters you think will survive at the end of the series


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1. Jon

2. Tyrion

3. Dany

4. Sansa

5. Arya

6. Sam

7. Arianne


8. Rickon

9. Gendry

10. Bronn

extra: Sandor (the hound is dead, but he lives on as the gravedigger)

If I had to do it will all POVs:

8. Bran

9. Brienne

10. Theon

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This is actually quite difficult if you limit your list to POVs. I think the only ones I'm confident in are Sansa Stark, Arianne Martell, and Samwell Tarly. After that, everything is fair game. Although, I don't think both Daenerys and Jon will die, or Asha and Theon. In those cases, at least one of the pairing will survive, if not both. I also suspect, although cannot be certain, that the writer does not have the courage to kill Tyrion.

We think exactly alike! Though I am blinded by my ironborn hatred - PLEASE LET EVERY LAST MEMBER OF THAT CULTURE GO TO THE DROWNED GOD.

Sansa is by far the most certain. She never does anything risky, and her arc has been so carefully cultivated. From unknowing innocent with the credentials of a glass hummingbird in a chariot race, rising ever so slowly through 4 books to a safe nook where she has a mentor... none of it makes any sense if she doesn't burst out awesomely at the end.

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1- Jon Snow: C'mon it's Jon, we all knew he would make it to the end in AGoT.

2- Samwell Tarley: Samwell will make it to the end I just know it.

3- Daenerys Targaryan: I firmly believe Dany has a part to play in the Epilogue.

4- Arya Stark: Arya's arc is so unique I do not see it ending in a traditional way.

5- Sansa Stark: Her innocent POV often brings counter-balance to the more cynical ones.

6- Sandor Clegane: I firmly believe that was him we saw on the Isle, he has yet a part to play in Sansa's life. He is her hound (replacing her wolf), and one day she and he shall reunite.

7- Theon Greyjoy: Flayed and darker than ever the son of the Ironborn will make it to the bitter end.

8- Gendry: The character has some role yet to play, his introduction and story is not yet finished.

9- Bran Stark: Bran will live to the end, his crippled nature and the things he has discovered have set him up to be a very unique character in the world.

10- Benjen Stark: Coldhands is Benjen and he will make it. I like Benjen a lot and this is a completely fangirl based assumption.



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This is actually quite difficult if you limit your list to POVs. I think the only ones I'm confident in are Sansa Stark, Arianne Martell, and Samwell Tarly. After that, everything is fair game. Although, I don't think both Daenerys and Jon will die, or Asha and Theon. In those cases, at least one of the pairing will survive, if not both. I also suspect, although cannot be certain, that the writer does not have the courage to kill Tyrion.

I'm quite sure GRRM has the "courage" to kill Tyrion. However, I think he survives, simply because I think Maggy the Frog's prophecy comes true and I don't see GRRM wiping out the entire family. Cersei, and the LAnnister kids all die. I think either Jaime or Tyrion then remain the surving Lannister (yes, I'm ignoring cousins & uncles), and I think Jaime is more likely to follow Cersei into the grave.

Plus Tyrion being the Lannister tasked with carrying on the family name is such a "fuck you" to Tywin that it seems likely.

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1. Sansa Stark: She's clearly being set up for bigger things

2. Arya Stark: I'm unclear about how she'll get reincorporated into the larger story, but think she's safe

3. Bran Stark: He's going to become a wizard apprentice and fight the Others

4. Rickon Stark: The next Lord of Winterfell

5. Jon Snow: By authorial fiat

6. Arianne Martell: She'll become the ruling Princess of Dorne

7. Myrcella Baratheon-Lannister: Call it a "gut" feeling

8. Samwell Tarly: By authorial fiat

9. Brynden Tully: He will work to get Riverrun back into Tully hands

10.Theon Greyjoy: The next Lord of the Iron Isles

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Here goes nothing:

1: Sansa Stark, pretty much what other comments have been saying about her... But I imagine that she will turn around soon and prove to be a formidable character.

2: Arya Stark, assassin extraordinaire.

3: Tyrion Lannister, he may be a little worse for ware, but I think he will, end up ruler of Casterly Rock...

4: Dany Targaryen, it's clear she will survive, although I thought that of so many other characters.

5: Littlefinger, he has a knack for surviving.

6: Jon Snow, he has definitely more to live up to and do.

7: Brandon Stark, I feel he could end up having to represent the Starks.

8: Rickon Stark, just think he will survive.

9: Arianne Martell, someone has to be there from Dorne...

10: Cersei Lannister, just because the bitch won't die, and I want to see how she could work her way out of her current mess, although, if she did survive, I would go crazy from pure rage...

And, there are a few other characters who I feel will survive the series, but it's really hard to chose ten...

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However, I think he survives, simply because I think Maggy the Frog's prophecy comes true and I don't see GRRM wiping out the entire family. Cersei, and the LAnnister kids all die.
Myrcella already got her "shawl" so it's unlikely that she will die.
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I'm not even certain characters will survive the series, much less 10. Given Martin's penchant for slaughtering Starks, and the narrative developments of Tyrion, I'm sure all of my favorites will be dead and some character I loath will win the throne. :tantrum:

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1. Samwell Tarly

2. Sansa Stark

3. Arya Stark

4. Rickon Stark

5. Bran Stark

6. Jaime Lannister

7. Podrick Payne :cheers:

8. Gendry Baratheon

9. Arianne Martell

10. Asha Greyjoy

I realize that Jon and Dany are conspicuously missing from my list. I think GRRM will leave them in a cliffhanger situation at the end, did they survive or not?! :leaving: Either way, neither of them will ever sit on the Iron Throne.

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I don't really have time to think up a list at the moment, though I'll agree with the Hot Pie love!

What I really wanted to say though, I'm not optimistic about Dany making it to the end assuming her 'barren' status holds true. If she's left alive then she'd be Queen of Westeros, but how can she be queen if she can't produce heirs? I think this sets her up to go down swinging in a heroic blaze of glory defeating the heart of winter and ending the threat of the white walkers. All of Westeros will praise her name, but someone else will rule the survivors from the iron throne.

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1. Dolorous "Last Man" Edd

2. Lord Edric Dayne, Future Sword of the Morning

3. Moon Boy (if he isn't killed by a jealous Jaime)

4. Patchface (he'll live; I know, I know, oh, oh, oh!)

5. Shagga, son of Dolf

6. Bronn, son of You Wouldn't Know Him

7. Rickon Stark

8. Walder Frey (someone of that name is bound to live)

9. Strong Belwas

10. Ser Talbert Serry

No POV character is safe.

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1. Dolorous "Last Man" Edd

2. Lord Edric Dayne, Future Sword of the Morning

3. Moon Boy (if he isn't killed by a jealous Jaime)

4. Patchface (he'll live; I know, I know, oh, oh, oh!)

5. Shagga, son of Dolf

6. Bronn, son of You Wouldn't Know Him

7. Rickon Stark

8. Walder Frey (someone of that name is bound to live)

9. Strong Belwas

10. Ser Talbert Serry

No POV character is safe.

Not if Uncat can help it :ack:

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