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What's your most emotionally moving/affecting moment in ASoIaF?

Two Eyed Crow

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Theon's POV chapters after Ramsey's f*cked him over. Theon had a reckoning coming for what he'd done, especially since he murdered innocent people just so his troops wouldn't laugh at him for losing Bran and Rickon, but not as extreme as what he's been through at Ramsey's hands. Reading his chapters in ADWD are just painful.

As others have stated, Arya arriving just as the slaughter is getting underway at the Red Wedding, being so close to a reunion with her mother and eldest brother, only to have the chance ripped away. And while the deaths of Robb and Catelyn were hard, the hardest part of the Red Wedding besides knowing Arya was right there was finding out that Grey Wind wasn't just killed, but mutiliated so that they could mock Robb's memory by sewing his wolf's head onto his body. That was gut-wrenching.

Sam's eulogy for Aemon had me weeping. Cersei's walk of atonement makes me claustrophobic; no matter how much of a bitch she is, GRRM builds that progress layer by layer until I'm actually so caught up in it that it's a palpable relief when she makes it into the Red Keep.

I have a lot of intense moments when I'm reading Tyrion's POVs, and they run the emotional gamut. Tyrion's one of those characters that you can tell GRRM loves to write and might imbue with a little bit of himself, because there's something about Tyrion that seems so incredibly relatable when he could've been such a caricature. But the most moving moment for me has to have been when Tyrion found it in him to let Sansa remain a virgin instead of consummating their marriage. He knew Sansa wouldn't dare resist if he'd pushed the issue, especially after everything she'd already been put through, but he instead found the compassion to leave her be. Possibly because of everything she'd already been through.

Gilly reminding Jon that she's a mother. Not just a little lost girl who was a child of incest and had been brutalized by her father. I loved that moment when she faced off with him, brief as it was, because it showed how strong someone can be even after having been through something that can psychologically warp you as much as the situation at Craster's keep could.

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