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[TV Spoilers] Accents in Dothraki?


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I was rewatching the series lately, and something occurred to me. It seems like the "Native speakers" of Dothraki pronounce things a bit differently than the Westrosi who are speaking it.

As Dany learns Dothraki, it seems like her pronounciation starts off sounding very English/"Common" then becomes slowly more native-like as she is learning...

OTOH, Jorah's pronounciation seems to sound much more like the Dothrakis' than Dany's, which would match with the fact that he's been fluent for years, but is still a foreigner.

I wonder if the conlang creator was by consulted the actors/directors on specific pronounciation for native/non-native speakers for particular lines? Maybe it was all just a coincidence or it's in my head. :P


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