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Visual Effects of Westeros

mr. peasant

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Anyone else think that totally beats the CGI in the Star Wars Prequels?

No. I like Game of Thrones, but its effects really aren't anything special compared to that of a big-budget movie, for obvious reasons. I would put the opening scene with the Battle above Coruscant alone above any effects in the show.

All that said, they've done an amazing job with the resources they have. I'm particularly impressed with how well they added and changed backgrounds. You would have to do matte paintings to get the same effect as recently as 20-30 years ago, with matte lines and so forth.

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I found it interesting that all the flags and banners waving in the wind were CGI. I never even thought of that while watching.

Anybody have any idea what kind of software they use for this? I can do some basic CGI in Blender, but nothing to this extent.

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