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Ever dream about the series?


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I'm pretty sure Varys and Littlefinger showed up in a dream of mine recently, probably with some characters from Hallmark's "Merlin", since I'd been watching both GoT and Merlin that day. Sadly, I can't remember what happened, which is a pity, because I imagine it would have been an epic crossover dream XD

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I dreamed that I was really good friends with Theon and we were just chilling, hanging out doing normal stuff (I dunno, dream stuff I can't remember) and when I woke up I was just like :stillsick: Theon?! Yuck. I'd rather hang out with anyone else (okay, bar Gregor, Ramsay and Vargo...). I felt violated.

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I've had a series of ASoIaF dreams, all of which fall into the prologue/epilogue conceit of DEATHDEATHDEATH-DEATHY-DEATH-DEATH. First one I remember was me being a fully-fleshed out Tully man-at-arms character during the early days of the rebellion. There was a whole thing about me falling in love at first sight with Lysa Tully, joining the army, and fighting in the hopes that I could win her heart or something. Then I wound up finding out that she was already nuts over some little lordling from gods-know-where, and had already 'lost' his bastard baby. With that in mind and no other reason for living, I wound up at the Trident and died a very painful death from a crownlander's pike to the gut that severed my spine then left the rest of my entrails to bleed and leak acid out for a few days of incredible suffering, until it ended with paralysis in a dead body, while still somehow being conscious.


FYI, I usually wake up with sleep paralysis anyway, and had a very morbid imagination as a child. If you've never experienced sleep paralysis, count yourself lucky.

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What is it with guys wanting to do that nutbag Cersei? O__o

I'm honestly confused by this too. I don't know if it's a blonde thing, or a MILF thing or just a domination fantasy of the crazy-wannabee-mastermind queen thing. I've met a few idiots who tend towards this "type" and it always winds up badly for all involved.

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I'm honestly confused by this too. I don't know if it's a blonde thing, or a MILF thing or just a domination fantasy of the crazy-wannabee-mastermind queen thing. I've met a few idiots who tend towards this "type" and it always winds up badly for all involved.

Well personally I'd love to have sex with Cersei, but obviously not have a relationship with her (!!!!). The kind of one night, mutual, no strings attatched.

Her "ferocity" and sensuality is just very appealing, and she's incredibly attractive.

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