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A Roose Bolton Appreciation Thread

Ramsay Gimp

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Well, for a man who wears pink and whispers everything, he's a downright terrifying villain, I'll give you that. And if what Lady Ryswell said to Theon in aDwD is any indication, I don't see him going down easy:

Some men hunt, some hawk, some tumble dice. Roose plays with men. You and me, these Freys, Lord Manderly, his plump new wife, even his bastard, we are but his playthings.


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Would be interesting to know which role he played in Roberts rebellion, besides urging Ned to cut the wounded Barristans throat. Also the Dreadfort is an awesome name, another thing that speaks well for Roose imo..

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  • 4 months later...

I'd just like to say that thanks to the awesomeness that is Roose Bolton the Northmen can, even while dragged down by the Starks, reach a Awesomeness Rating of 56%. Thank Roose for the 30% he contribuated with.

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I enjoy Roose. That's not to say that I like him. I love how naturally he moves from unsettling Stark bannerman to straight up player in the game of thrones. I knew I was going to enjoy him after Robb's line that Roose "scares him", and Cat says something to the effect of "Let's hope he scares Lord Tywin as well."

So good.

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Roose was in my trio of favourite cold villains with Randyll Tarly and Tywin Lannister. But after ADWD, he outranged them both ! ("[...] before you make me rue the day I raped your mother"... awesome !)

The best compliment I can make of Roose Bolten is that at least he generally avoids killing people without reason, unlike Ramsey.

Still, he hanged the guys who helped him rebuild Winterfell, and then went on about how merciful he was for not flaying them first :stillsick: ... reminded me of Joffrey and how he was "merciful" with Ned Stark !
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  • 9 months later...

Not really fond of Roose - i find him a weak substitute for Tywin "ones the sun has set no candle can replace it". Also Tywin takes no pleasure in cruelty unlike Roose. Though Roose actually does not seem to take pleasure but just does it for the lolz.

Roose has a better sense of humour than Tywin.

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Roose is second only to badasses as Stan and Tywin. I can't see Stan trusting him ever, but I always hope Roose bends the knee to Stan once he is defeated- impossible though.

The most awesome thing is when cat meets him at the twins, I've read that part multiple times and it sets him up as very important, a contrast between Roose and the other bannermen who where nothing less then sheep in confronting Robb with his idiocy. The first time I read it I was like: okay kids, playtime is over, daddy came home from work!

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