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What will Khal Jhaqo do with Daenerys?

Lady Hodor

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"Before I am done with them, Mago and Ko Jhaqo will plead for the mercy they showed Eroeh."

"Khaleesi, Jhaqo is khal now, with twenty thousand riders at his back."

"And I am Daenerys Stormborn, Daenerys of House Targaryen, of the blood of Aegon the Conqueror and Maegor the Cruel and old Valyria before them. I am the dragon's daughter, and I swear to you, these men will die screaming."

So... yeah.

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the last Dany chapter ends "Dany rose, wiped her hands on her ragged undertunic, and went to stand beside her dragon.

That was how Khal Jhaqo found her, when half a hundred mounted warriors emerged from the drifting smoke"

So I think the question should be 'what will Daenerys do with Khal Jhaqo'?

One hopes she will mercifully have him killed instantly, incinerated with dragon flame in one fell swoop. However, I have reason to fear she will not be so kind.

I fear that instead, Dany may subject poor Khal Jhaqo to a fate worse than death-- she will sit him down, offer him some dragon charred animal meat, and then slowly, unforgivably, subject him to a summary of her "plot" and "character development" over the last book.

Khal Jhaquo is clearly a strong man, accustomed to the murder, pillage, and cruelty of Dorthraki life, hardened by constant warfare. But no man, woman, or child is truly ready to endure a slow recitation of the stagnancy that was Danerys storyline in ADWD. Based on his years of perfecting the art of murderous warfare, no doubt he will be able to make it through the first 15 minutes or so of Danerys anecdotes.

However, when she gets around the 20 minute mark (and, inicidentally, the 50th time she and Daario had hot and intricately described sex) no doubt his eyes will begin to glaze over. Not long after that, he will deteriorate into a state of mania, begging for Danerys to kill him, feed him to her dragon, or in the very least gouge out his ears and eyes with Valeryian steel blades so he does not have to listen to another second's worth of this tedious story that, in truth, never should have been told, and is more or less sloppy filler. At that point, he will either fall into a lifelong deathlike trance/ coma, or his head will combust with the pressure of the boredom pressing his thoughts, exploding into billions of tiny pieces. Which Drogon can then consume for lunch.

Either way, it'd win for Danerys. I just hope we won't have to see it.

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"Before I am done with them, Mago and Ko Jhaqo will plead for the mercy they showed Eroeh."

"Khaleesi, Jhaqo is khal now, with twenty thousand riders at his back."

"And I am Daenerys Stormborn, Daenerys of House Targaryen, of the blood of Aegon the Conqueror and Maegor the Cruel and old Valyria before them. I am the dragon's daughter, and I swear to you, these men will die screaming."

So... yeah.

Had completely forgotten that, thanks for sharing. This pretty much settles the matter.

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I don't think she'll simply roast Jhaqo and be done with it. They'll probably lose a lot of men, but in the end, they'll find some way to drive off Drogon and take Dany prisoner to Vaes Dothrak, where her vision of the crones bowing to her under the mountain comes true.

One hopes she will mercifully have him killed instantly, incinerated with dragon flame in one fell swoop. However, I have reason to fear she will not be so kind.

I fear that instead, Dany may subject poor Khal Jhaqo to a fate worse than death-- she will sit him down, offer him some dragon charred animal meat, and then slowly, unforgivably, subject him to a summary of her "plot" and "character development" over the last book.


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@ Queen Cersei I

Wow... That was pretty harsh. Unecessary :shocked:

Ah, I do believe the following can be cleared up by the following piece of Shakespearean level drama:


Me: Danerys thinks she's so Kool. But all she is is a virgin who can't drive.

You: :shocked: That was way harsh, Cesrsei.

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I don't think she'll simply roast Jhaqo and be done with it. They'll probably lose a lot of men, but in the end, they'll find some way to drive off Drogon and take Dany prisoner to Vaes Dothrak, where her vision of the crones bowing to her under the mountain comes true.

Drogon, whilst carrying a woman on his back whose hair was on fire, managed to kill over 200 people outside the Fighting Pits. Since then, Dany has gained some control over him and he's grown even bigger.

A small number of Dothraki are going to be no challenge. Dany will ride to Vaes Dothrak at the head of Jhaqo's khalasar.

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Drogon, whilst carrying a woman on his back whose hair was on fire, managed to kill over 200 people outside the Fighting Pits. Since then, Dany has gained some control over him and he's grown even bigger.

A small number of Dothraki are going to be no challenge. Dany will ride to Vaes Dothrak at the head of Jhaqo's khalasar.

Most those were unarmed slavers, though. The Dothraki are excellent with bows and could possibly shoot him enough to chase him off and capture Daenerys. Also, Dany only saw a few Dothraki but there's probably a lot more in the vicinity, unless Khal Jahqo lost his Khalasar somehow. If she does manage to kill him, I don't see why she'd want to go to Vaes Dothrak; she'll probably just take over his remaining Khalasar--if they're willing to follow her--and head back for Meereen. Maybe that will happen, but then it seems like the battle for Meereen would be over before it had a chance to start.

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Most those were unarmed slavers, though. The Dothraki are excellent with bows and could possibly shoot him enough to chase him off and capture Daenerys.

Nah, that's not how dragons work. Check Tyrion's ADWD chapters, he thinks about how they could not kill a dragon with a trebuchet (or insert appropriate siege weaponry here) so how would arrows kill it? He says the only known way you can kill a dragon is through piercing its eyes, going in to the brain. Hitting it with anything else will only make it angry.

Interestingly, Dany notes that Drogon spews black fire.

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Nah, that's not how dragons work. Check Tyrion's ADWD chapters, he thinks about how they could not kill a dragon with a trebuchet (or insert appropriate siege weaponry here) so how would arrows kill it? He says the only known way you can kill a dragon is through piercing its eyes, going in to the brain. Hitting it with anything else will only make it angry.

Who said anything about killing it? We already know they're vulnerable to sharp objects (see Dany's last two chapters where the spear pierces its back and arrows drive it off from Meereen), and the Dothraki have plenty of those with them.

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I don't think they would try to harm her to take her captive or anything with her dragon right next to her. There was only about 50 of them IIRC. As much as I would love for her to just die (sorry) like someone else said the real question is what will she and Drogon do with the Dothraki.

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I don´t really understand why it would be a good idea for Dany to try to win the Khalasar to her side. The horses are very likely to freak the f-ck out just by being in the proximity of the dragons, not to mention when an entire battlefield is filled with uncontrolled fires and smoke everywhere? Having 20.000 horses going into a mad panic and trampling people at random as soon as the dragons start burning stuff seems like an exceptionally poor strategy for battles.

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