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[Book Spoilers] The Hound!

Ramsay Gimp

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Yeah, they have kind of glossed over him this season, but GRRM wrote this episode and he really brought the Hound to fore. It was great to see as the Hound is an interesting and complex character that has not really gottenhis due this season.

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I did regret that his fear of fire is not really explained. I am not sure that non readers understand his behavior.

I'm not really a "book reader" but in season 1, episode 4 (Cripples, Bastards And Broken Things), at the Tourney, Littlefinger mentioned to the Stark girls who the Mountain was and how the Hound got his scars.

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I am pretty sure that most non-book people can figure out why a man with half his face burned away would be in no hurry to ride into a raging inferno.

And yes, FINALLY the hound gets something resembling real screentime and more than his average three and a half words per season.

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I did regret that his fear of fire is not really explained. I am not sure that non readers understand his behavior.

They have gone into his backstory. They also re-established his fear towards the beginning when he shied away from a guy waving a torch about (the scene when Joffrey, Tyrion, Lancel and Sandor are on the battlements), and then again when he threatened to strangle the archer with his own guts.

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I love that he finally got to use his "LOOK AT ME!!!!" line. More subtle here than his audition tape, which is fine. As for his fear of fire, it's been spoon fed to the audience half a dozen times. They can't beat it into their skulls any further. At this point they have to know or they haven't been paying attention.

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I'm pretty sure that The Hound cut two people completely in half.

I don't like killing in real life, but I very much like The Hound killing things on my TV screen. :)

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I did regret that his fear of fire is not really explained. I am not sure that non readers understand his behavior.

Well, me and my brother are non readers ( though I started the first book a few days ago ) and when we saw that fire scene we were both like " Yeah, getting your face shoved in a fireplace by your older brother, when you're just a kid, can get any person traumatized " Really loved all the Hound + fire scenes <3 Great episode.

Have some more faith in the non readers ;D

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Watching The Hound on screen was the best part of this episode for me. He was great with Bronn, awesome fighting and especially his expressions when his fear of fire finally got him. Watching the wildfire explosion, he was actually silently mouthing 'Oh my God'....

At first I was hugely disappointed with his scene with Sansa but I've calmed down. I wished it was portrayed differently, have her at least cup his cheek or make it more vague if she actually went with him but what can you do... If GRRM wrote it, there must have been good reasons for the change.

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Here is a review from a non-book reader at Grantland who gives The Hound his due:


And most of all, what will become of the Hound? As the season marches inexorably to a close and the various remaining heirs and claimants continue their slow, sad slog toward a meaningless prize, it fell to a ruined man to see the folly at the root of it all. Clegane isn’t even a knight, yet he wields the most powerful weapon in all of Westeros: the ability to say enough. At the close of Game of Thrones’ best hour, he’s suddenly a surprise contender for the show’s greatest creation.

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he was great!! i love rory and he was finally allowed to show some resemblance to the sandor book version and to his fantastic audition. i'm so happy he had the most time on the episode, and even if i wish they had kept a closer adaptation with the san/san scene, he was great with what he was allowed to do. he fought really cool and i can't wait for his scenes with arya next season! XD

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I think his scenes were great in this episode. I think I lost half of Tyrion's speech on the battlements because the fear in his eyes when he saw the torch. It is interesting that they established some sort of competitiveness/hate/whatever that was between him and Bronn.

I hoped Sansa would sing for him, but I think I can live with the change,

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