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[Book Spoilers] GoT or The Walking Dead?


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It's good that they have variation with the White Walkers, the one of this episode looks different from the other WW we see in the army (which really is not attacking yet, so why would they hurry? We will see them attack in the next episode, I do bet!). Variation gives them character, otherwise there's the danger of them becoming "Evil Clones".

But why are there no speculations on why Sam was spared? Must be in another thread... I'm really not sure at the moment...

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agreed, seemed weird. it's one thing for arya, a child, to want to be a faceless man so she can get revenge, its another thing for an actual faceless man to tell her she can get her revenge by becoming a faceless man. it'd be like talking to a police man and the police man tells you that YOU should become a police man so you can get back at all the people who bullied you.

Could be that he said that to entice her, knowing the FM would train her out that way of thinking.

Part of me still wonders if Jaqen is a rogue Faceless Man. His whole "you saved three people from dying, so that means you get to name three deaths in return" isn't repeated by any other FM, and Jaqen talks about the Red God, not the Many-Faced God. Though maybe that was part of his Jaqen identity. So who knows.

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So what did you think of the wights? I was hugely disappointed because I thought they looked like a group of zombies. The person I was watching with said, "Oh, is this show going to be sort of like the Walking Dead now?" I thought it looked goofy. ETA: and my friends have been asking me why they ignored Sam. One thinks he has special powers. I got nothing. I thought that horse was cool looking though. That was a nice touch.

I dont know how you can make something coming back to life not look like a zombie because that is what it is. And as for the White Walker ignoring Sam prly because he is a coward, but if I had to take a guess next season a white walker will come to kill him and he will be saved by coldhands.

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I watched it with my non-book reading friends and they all gasped when the wights and white walkers came into view. When they cut to Sam beyond the wall I KNEW the three blasts were coming so I was really anticipating this. It did not disappoint.

It was pretty much what I pictured the "Attack on the First" being like when I read it in the book. The only difference was that it was nighttime. I understand why they did it in daylight (to highlight the awesome CGI of the wight army + Others) but I think it would have been downright terrifying to see them come at the dead of night.

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Yes, what the hell are people expecting? "I am so disappointed because the wights looked like zombies!!!"

They ARE zombies, how many different ways of looking are there for a reanimated body?

Thank you, I was waiting for this post.

I was thinking I was witnessing a case of collective autism or something.

They are dead people come to life. Of all the places in fiction Westeros, and North of the Wall especially, is not a place where many die a peaceful deaths! The ones who do are routinely burnt. Maybe it's the slow shambling movements of them that bothered people which is in a bit of contrast with the speed demonstrated in season 1, but that just might be because they aren't in kill mode just yet as there wasn't a small army of rangers facing them at that point.

As to why Sam wasn't mauled I'll go out on a limb and say that at that proximity to the White Walkers the wights are completely controlled and since Sam is so sadly pathetic the Others left him behind to tell the tale.

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I liked the look of the Other on the horse. I really liked the wights, but not for this show. The looks weren't what bothered me, it was the pace and the portrayal of them as typical undead zombies. I imagined them moving at normal pace unless they had an injured leg (non-flesh wound).

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It looked like the second White Walker in the back was wearing armor and a helmet. I haven't found a good screenshot yet.

I'm in line with the "leave him alive to tell the tale" theory - that appears to be what the one in the pilot did. Implies the WWs have motivation beyond just "kill everyone we see," which I don't think explicitly contradicts the books.

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Some points I think worth keeping in mind here.

To the wights looking "too zombied up." Wights are brought back in whatever physical condition they were in at time of death, be that an untouched body from a heart attack or missing half of your chest, a third of a leg, and two fingers because you offended The Mountain. But this is the first real big view of the wights, and it needed to be made absolutely clear that they are in fact zombies under the control of the Others. I think that is a big part of why they were just SO zombie, and I think that image will lessen when they are shown again. Hell, it's much easier, faster, and cheaper to just put some pasty makeup and maybe a wound or two on a bunch of actors than making a lot of them look like the super mangled one.

Wights are NOT entirely brainless entities, as normal zombie types are. They have more than just the basical drive to feed. They are even capable of remembering things from their lives, that is shown by Othor. The wight knew where Mormont's room was, and I find it very hard to believe that the wight could have made it into Mormont's room without having to open a door.

slow shambling zombies always seemed more funny then threatening to me. Anything you can escape from by walking at a brisk walk is not scary.

An individual zombie has never been a threat. It's the hordes and that they never stop coming. That is what makes them scary, that is what makes them deadly. Eventually you run out of places to walk to. And you also have to keep in mind that they come back FAST. Remember the very first scene, if you will - Waymar Royce was brought back and under Other control almost before he hit the ground.

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It was pretty bad. Letting Sam go is a head slapping moment. I wonder how they'll justify letting him live.

The wights were fine, as they looked like skilled undead warriors. The walkers were bad. They were shambling and slow, so that crows who still had feet could outrun them on foot. Lame. The books showed very capable fast zombies who overran a superior uphill position with stakes, trenches, fire arrows and knowledge of dragonglass. I guess when shit hits the fan, these slow zombie ripoffs become fast and agile? What?

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