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i always liked her but i did find a lot of her chapters pretty boring. but now I'm finished ADOD i lost all respect for her. how many chances does the woman need to go to Westoros and reclaim her fathers throne. Dorne promises support by marriage and she won't do it. she is suspicious of every body and every thing. kind of reminds me of The Mad King.. her father who started to grow suspicious of everything. i don't think she deserves the Iron Throne.

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In an effort to circumvent the possibility of a second Dany hate thread in one day (it doesn't appear to be your intention, but it's likely it will end up that way :) ), here's a thread for a project some of us have been working on that analyzes the issues you mention regarding her character in DwD: http://asoiaf.westeros.org/index.php/topic/67292-learning-to-lead-a-re-read-project-of-the-dany-and-jon-adwd-chapters/

It's a re read that looks closely at her leadership skills, and I think you'd find it interesting given your criticisms.

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First, I believe she was trying be a good queen in the land she was in not leave it in chaos. Second, after the HotU where she heard the prophecy of the three betrayals its understandable that she be little leery of offers. Especially as no one has offered to help just to help. They have all had alterior motives. And last, she is really young, she is going to make mistakes. In fact she already has and she realizes that those mistakes have consequences so she is trying to be careful. Sort once bitten twice shy.

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