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Vote : Who will rule westeros?

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Title says it all really. In the current circumstances, who do you think will rule The Seven Kingdoms of Westeros by the end of the series. Personally, I'm convinced Jon Snow will somehow make it. I'll add up the votes at the end and put up the percentages. No stupid comments please.

p.s; I've tried searching for other votes on who people think will end up ruling Westeros, but I could only find votes on who people want to.

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Daenerys I. Targaryen with her husband, the king-consort, sharing the reins of government. A representative body made of 1/3 nobility, 1/3 commoners and 1/3 Maesters/Septons will be formed to advise them on matters of state policy.

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Unless a Stark sits the Iron Throne I don't see the North (and maybe The Riverlands and The Vale) be a part of the kingdom ruled by the Iron Throne. Unless all of them get killed/imprisoned. The North is too loyal to the Starks (except the Boltons and some other perhaps) to just bend the knee to the Iron Throne unless all their leaders get assassinated or something.

Unless whatever Stark rules the North chooses to bend the knee to the Iron Throne. But that will only happen if someone they don't hate sit the Iron Throne. Tyrells, Lannisters and Baratheons are all enemies. Martells or Targaryans could still become allies, but Dany kinda hates Ned so I doubt she'll make a pact with them. But well what do I know.

I'm hoping that Sansa will rule over the North (and the Vale and Riverlands) and Stannis should rule the rest of the kingdom (except for Dorne, Dorne needs to be independent and the Iron Islands too perhaps, if ruled by Asha.) Danearys can go rule the Summer Islands or something :| or Ibben.... She just doesn't seem fit to rule :P. So far all the places she went to were better off without her :|

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No one.

It'll go back to at least seven Kingdoms.

The age of a unified Westeros is over, without dragons it's too difficult to keep the high lords in line forever.

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