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Names you used to mispronounce?

Summer Storm

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I have to say I'm really excited this thread got so many replies since it's my first one ever and I was a bit nervous :love:

Gendry I say like Jendry. I do have to own up to saying Catelyn like Cait-lin, it kinda annoys me that it's spelt with an e in there if you don't need it, why not just call her Catlyn? Why GRRM, why?

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Daenerys = "Day-nair-iss"

Gendry = Gen (as in gun)Dree

Viserys = Visair-iss

Targaryen = Targ-ar-yen

Aegon = Ay-gon

Tyrell = Tear-rell

Baratheon = Bar-ah-theon

Tywin = Tie-win

Tyrion = Tear-ee-on

Cersei = Ser-see

Jaime = Jamie (dude. this guy has my same name only with the i in a different spot!)

Gilly = Gill (like fish gills)-ee (it does look like it should be jilly though)

Maester = May-ster

Qarth = Karth

Rhaegar = Ray-gar

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I still struggle with Arya - I just can't get Ay-ra out of my head. And then I'm sure I've heard people pronounce it Are-eya and others Arr-ya and others Aye-a.

I have no idea how to pronounce Rhaegar, it sounds different in my head everytime. As do all the names beginning with a Q and O.

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I was always unsure if Maester was pronounced my-ster (like half of the actors in the show say it) or may-ster. I prefer may-ster, just because it flows off of my tongue easier. I also feel that half of the people on the show change the pronunciations of half of the names/locations every other episode.

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Daenerys = "Day-nair-iss"

Gendry = Gen (as in gun)Dree

Viserys = Visair-iss

Targaryen = Targ-ar-yen

Aegon = Ay-gon

Tyrell = Tear-rell

Baratheon = Bar-ah-theon

Tywin = Tie-win

Tyrion = Tear-ee-on

Cersei = Ser-see

Jaime = Jamie (dude. this guy has my same name only with the i in a different spot!)

Gilly = Gill (like fish gills)-ee (it does look like it should be jilly though)

Maester = May-ster

Qarth = Karth

Rhaegar = Ray-gar

Buuuuuut 'tear' has two different pronounciations pally, I suppose you mean "tear" like tears in ones eyes though right?

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I wouldn't consider it mispronunciation unless you really butcher it. I work with "foreigners" and they don't pronounce my name the way I would but I also wouldn't consider it incorrect. It's more of a dialect thing. There is this Filipino gentleman I collaborate with however who insists on referring to me as "Kebbin", and while it's close I would have to call that one a mispronunciation, though I don't correct him when he refers to me by name. Who gives a shit if I refer to Catelyn as "Caitlyn". I'm pretty sure everyone would know who I was referring to and unless she's a pretentious bitch (and some may argue this) I wouldn't expect her to correct me if she were "real".

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I wouldn't consider it mispronunciation unless you really butcher it. I work with "foreigners" and they don't pronounce my name the way I would but I also wouldn't consider it incorrect. It's more of a dialect thing. There is this Filipino gentleman I collaborate with however who insists on referring to me as "Kebbin", and while it's close I would have to call that one a mispronunciation, though I don't correct him when he refers to me by name. Who gives a shit if I refer to Catelyn as "Caitlyn". I'm pretty sure everyone would know who I was referring to and unless she's a pretentious bitch (and some may argue this) I wouldn't expect her to correct me if she were "real".

"Sometimes, Catelyn felt her heart had turned to stone."

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Aegon/ ah-GEE-on

Viserys/ vi-SAR-us

Oberyn/ O-ber-lyn (I have no idea where I got the ‘L’ in the last syllable from)

Cersei/ SAR-say

Ygritte/ yah-GREET

Jeor/ JEH-or

Arryn/ ARE-in

Tommen/ TOE-min

There are so many more but these are the ones I remember at the moment.

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Oh and I always pronounce Margaery with a hard g (because of the A) -- "MAR-guh-ree". I believe on the show they just say it like Marjorie but I hold to my pronunciation.

Likewise. I battled with myself for ages trying to figure out how to pronounce her name, but I've settled on the hard g (like you, because of the a). I still haven't decided how to pronounce Gared, but since he's only appears briefly before dying, it doesn't matter.

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Kettlebacks instead of Kettleblacks, idk why.

So I'm not alone. This is good...didn't notice the L until half way through AFFC, too late by then. They will always be the dudes with kettles on their backs.

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I pronounced Tyrion a million different ways in my head until I watched the show a bit and settled into their pronunciation, well into the first book. Same thing with Baratheon. I always read it as Bear-a-theon (like the character Theon, the-on). Daenerys was Day-neer-eez (long e). I pronounced all the Targaryen names with long e's. Air-ezz, Vis-er-ezz etc. Still do with alot of them sometimes, except Dany's. Targaryen was Tar-gar-yen. Which when said aloud sounds like Tar-gary-en. Similar to Arya in that way. In my head I can say Arya, but when I say it aloud it sounds like Aria.

Some misspronunciations I still use.

Catelyn. I pronounce it like the name in this world. I have a friend named Katelyn, and everyone spells that name differently, so why not? I still hear it that way.

Cersei. I pronounce as something like sear-say. The sear rhyming with bear. I've heard it this way in the show.

Tyrell was always Tie-rell. The way Loras says it in the show bugs the crap out of me. Tyrull. Ugh. I can deal with the Tyr being pronounced like in Tyrion as long as the rell is the stressed. TyrELL.

I am well aware that Damphair is probably meant to be Damp-hair, but it looks like Dam-fair, so that is how I hear it in my head. I've tried to change, haha.

Names like Sansa and Targaryen I say right for the most part. Except the "a" are pronounced americanized.

LOL. Basically, everybody says things different. Just look at Maester. I say may-ster. A near equal number would say my-ster. They even switch between them in the show.

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