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Rickon, the Black Wolf.


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Thus is why I am hoping the 5 year gap will be covered with a fast forward of some type in the narrative. I think Rickon had learned enough to have a solid base from his Father and family, and now is learning the hard lessons of life as a smallfolk. Skagos I think will teach him how to survive and not ti judge by rumors, as I don't see them being cannibals. In essence he is getting the education that Varys boasts Aegon received.

In addition his name seems to be a combination of Rickard and Brandon. This leads me to believe he will hold some traits in common with thise two characters. In short I am not sure how, but I am hoping he will have an impact on the story.

ETA Also I think if he is encountered with Davoos you will have another positive influence to help him control his wild side.

The youngest LC of the NW was 10, I believe Rickon currently would be around 7-8, so to see him as Lord of Winterfell before the end of the series would not be out of question. If, after these battles that will happen towards the beginning of WoW, he spaces out the time between chapters a lot more with a month or more between, he could easily age to 14 or so before the end of the series as well.

Also, I think Davos will play a huge part in turning him around. He's gone through some tough stuff (death of sons, nearly drowned, etc.), but has remained a good man with a great moral compass, definitely for a former smuggler. He will be a definite good influence on Rickon. I could see him asking Rickon to be his squire when he finds him and teaching him how to be a knight and lord, even though I fear Davos doesn't know too much about that.

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I agree with a lot of people on the thread, that Rickon will be fierce, but he won't be psycho. Just like many others before him, he is of the North. "The North remembers" has been quoted too many times for it to be a mere saying...I think this is foreshadowing that someone will lead the Starks in retribution..and who better than the Black Wolf?

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I just really, really want Rickon to be the one to kill Theon and, ideally, defeat the Ironmen. At the very least, in true Ned style, Theon should be killed by the family he betrayed themselves.

I like to imagine that Jon would be too busy and too Ned-like, Sansa too much of a wuss, Arya too fond of leaving people to die and Bran too kind, too off-with-the-pixies and otherwise occupied with his trees to bother.

So it would be left, in a nicely ironic twist of fate, for Baby Stark to be the one who does the dirty work. He seems to be the most pissed off about losing Winterfell, and even though he was quite young when it happened, the North remembers.

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tell me more of this....

Lord Manderly is probably the second most powerful lord in the North right now, before him it's only Roose and though I have no doubt he is loyal to Starks, he is greedy and ambitious. He is also widower.

Lady Dustin seems loyal to Boltons, but I don't believe this act, however, I do believe she loved Brandon and Rickon resembles him a lot. And of course she is a widow.

But there will be other lords trying to get control over Rickon, so maybe they will join their forces.

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boooooooo! :P

"Hey Shaggydog, I heard some people like to make coats and cloaks with wolf pelts. Would you like a humanskin coat as a nameday present? My brother Bran is a cripple and he's useless. I have a better function for him now. but his meat is only mine, okay? You get only a coat"

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"Hey Shaggydog, I heard some people like to make coats and cloaks with wolf pelts. Would you like a humanskin coat as a nameday present? My brother Bran is a cripple and he's useless. I have a better function for him now. but his meat is only mine, okay? You get only a coat"

You've gone completely rogue!

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