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Your initial thought of Roose Bolton?


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Okay, everybody, tonight's homework assignment is to reread Jaime's POV chapters from ASOS where he meets and has dinner & conversation with Roose Bolton, it is full of gems.

Roose: "[Hoat] switched over to our side in reward for [Harrenhal] doesn't know that it is a cursed prize."

Jaime: "LOL what, the curse of Harrenhal?"

Roose: "The Curse of [turning on] Tywin Lannister."

There's another bit where Jaime talks smack to him and the next paragraph is narration that begins with:

Roose Bolton's silence was a hundred times more terrifying than The Goat's angry slobbering.

Such a fitting character note on Roose.

Roose: "He should have asked The Reynes and Tarbecks what will happen."

Jaime: "There are no more Reynes and Tarbecks."

Roose: "My point exactly."

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Fear is what keeps a man alive in this world of treachery and deceit.

His whole conversation with the boy lord in the Twins when he looks him straight in the face and says yeah... that whole army you gave me? It's been destroyed. Good news though, my own men have magically made it through in one piece.

And of course possibly the greatest line ever.

“I am not a man to be undone, ser.”

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Yeah, Michael McElhatton raises his voice a bit too much, but otherwise he's a great Roose.

The way he just STARES SILENTLY at Robb in the scenes where they're trying to talk strategy and Talisa wanders in to interrupt/have sexy time with King Robb and he shows himself out is fantastic. You can read so much being left unsaid in those looks. Great stuff.

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Once, a boy called Theon Greyjoy had enjoyed tweaking Bolton as they sat at council with Robb Stark, mocking his soft voice and making japes about leeches. He must have been mad. This is no man to jape with. You had only to look at Bolton to know that he had more cruelty in his pinky toe than all the Freys combined.


“Would you prefer to dress in silk and velvet? There was a time when you were fond of such, I do recall.”

That's like one of those horror movies where you suddenly realize there's a giant dinosaur eye staring straight at you.

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I find Roose absolutely fascinating and he's definitely my favorite villain Left Standing in this series.

His is the insanity born of being too rational, which makes quite a compelling character and I look forward to reading and being outraged by his next despicable act.

I wanna know what was in that book he burnt!

Oh yes. So much yes. I cannot wait to see what nasty, vile thing he has under his hat. My theory is that he might actually ice Ramsay for throwing one too many spanners in Roose's villainous works.

"My lord of Frey offered my bride's weight in silver for a dowry, so I chose accordingly."

Let's see how many of his awesome lines we can get in this thread

Omg Fat Walda is awesome. "I've come to be quite fond of my fat, little wife." Fat Walda is all "Yep, he picked me because of [dowry reasons] and...well fuck the police, i dont care! Hand me some more pie!" I like how she feels she made out like a bandit and milks it accordingly.

He's one of my "favorite" villains in the series (favorite in that -- much like Tywin Lannister -- GRRM has done a spectacular job of writing him, not that I approve of any of his actions).

:agree: But i always felt that Tywin was lacking some villainous charm that Roose has. Roose's creepy mannerisms like being the medieval equivalent of a health nut and never raising his voice was more awesome.

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Once, a boy called Theon Greyjoy had enjoyed tweaking Bolton as they sat at council with Robb Stark, mocking his soft voice and making japes about leeches. He must have been mad. This is no man to jape with. You had only to look at Bolton to know that he had more cruelty in his pinky toe than all the Freys combined.


“Would you prefer to dress in silk and velvet? There was a time when you were fond of such, I do recall.”

That's like one of those horror movies where you suddenly realize there's a giant dinosaur eye staring straight at you.

Woah, is that a quote from the books? What book/ what chapter?

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"For he is my man, as I am King Robb's man. His crime is my crime, or so it may seem in your father's eyes. And therein lies my... small difficulty." He gazed at Jaime, his pale eyes unblinking, expectant, chill.

"Jaime will continue on to King's Landing. I said nothing about you, I fear. It would be unconscionable of me to deprive Lord Vargo of both his prizes. Were I you, my lady, I should worry less about Starks and rather more about sapphires."

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"It is wolves I mean to hunt."

“Terrible times breed terrible things, my lord.”

Bolton showed his teeth in something that might have been a smile. “Are these times so terrible, Maester?

Love these. Am loving the Roose quotes up in this thread.

Mention of his eyes always creeps me out.

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Oh yes. So much yes. I cannot wait to see what nasty, vile thing he has under his hat. My theory is that he might actually ice Ramsay for throwing one too many spanners in Roose's villainous works.

Absolutely. We all have our theories on who's going to get to kill Ramsay in this series, and there's lots of suggested candidates and good candidates, but I think Roose in addition to being the most interesting is also the most likely. If I were a gambling man and we could set up a forum office pool on Ramsay Death, I'd put money on Roose. Like Theon said in ADWD when Roose took him away, "The son is just the shadow of the father." I think he will eventually get tired of Ramsay being sloppy, unreliable, and unwilling to listen to dad's constructive criticism, and eventually take his boy to the woodshed and show him how it's REALLY done.

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His lips were so thin that when he pressed them together they seemed to vanish altogether. There was an agelessness about him, a stillness; on Roose Bolton’s face, rage and joy looked much the same.


Bolton’s pale eyes looked empty in the moonlight, as if there were no one behind them at all.

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Stoic, emotionless, self-preservation top priority, an agenda...but not sure.

He reminded me of Tywin's demeanor in some respects.

Bad vibe from page 1 with that guy. Even worse that he doesn't curb Ramsey. Too late. He should have done it years ago.

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“I know.” Lord Bolton sighed. “His blood is bad. He needs to be leeched. The leeches suck away the bad blood, all the rage and pain. No man can think so full of anger. Ramsay, though … his tainted blood would poison even leeches, I fear.”


If she pops out sons the way she pops in tarts, the Dreadfort will soon be overrun with Boltons. Ramsay will kill them all, of course. That’s for the best.

And there's too much of it to quote but his whole war council in Harrenhal is beautiful. The Roose buck naked while about fifteen other men are clustered around his bed straining ever closer trying to hear his whispering voice. They're all panicking and the Roose is just 'the situation is desperate you say? Shut the fuck up while my leeches purge me of my bad blood'.

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His lips were so thin that when he pressed them together they seemed to vanish altogether. There was an agelessness about him, a stillness; on Roose Bolton’s face, rage and joy looked much the same.


Interesting that Roose's lips are "paper-thin" while Ramsay's are thick and wet, like "worms fucking" :lol:

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Upon first impression...thought he appeared like a reasonable guy, obviously a unique blend of cold cunningness, offering a hint of potential hopeful epicness when Arya had released him.

Afterward, err, have to admit my view of him has gone down hill. Not exactly a fan, for a variety of reasons.

But I gotta give him credit for offering quite a bit to the storyline, at least. A worthy villian.

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