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Did Dany truly love Khal Drogo?


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Let it go, these fights are never worth it and they break out every second day. Just hit the ignore button.

It's not a very healthy sort of love true. :P


But I respect other opinions, I'm not a dominant totalitarian dictator or something. I'll let it go, alright.

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But did she truly "love" him, or did she just "love" him because he was the only option for her and she had resigned herself to life as this man's sex slave? Did she only love him for the sake of their baby together?

She seems dedicated to him earlier in the books and sincere about his death, rejecting Jorah and Xaro...but then she just starts a casual sexual relationship with Daario...Khal Drogo isn't in her mind then.

You're doubting her affection because she had an affair nearly three years after he died? Seriously?

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Let it go, these fights are never worth it and they break out every second day. Just hit the ignore button.

this isnt a fight lol why would you ignore me when im just stating my opinions on the matters. i havent insulted anyone. i dont even feel that strongly one way or another about this subject.

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But did she truly "love" him, or did she just "love" him because he was the only option for her and she had resigned herself to life as this man's sex slave? Did she only love him for the sake of their baby together?

She seems dedicated to him earlier in the books and sincere about his death, rejecting Jorah and Xaro...but then she just starts a casual sexual relationship with Daario...Khal Drogo isn't in her mind then.

Drogo was dead! Her moving on indicates she didn't love him?

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Drogo was dead! Her moving on indicates she didn't love him?


She didn't even think of her dead husband! If you loved your dead husband, your "sun and stars" so much, you're probably going to think about them a bit when engaging in intercourse with the second man you've ever had sex with. And I don't recall that happened...it seems like she's completely forgotten about him.

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But did she truly "love" him, or did she just "love" him because he was the only option for her and she had resigned herself to life as this man's sex slave? Did she only love him for the sake of their baby together?

She seems dedicated to him earlier in the books and sincere about his death, rejecting Jorah and Xaro...but then she just starts a casual sexual relationship with Daario...Khal Drogo isn't in her mind then.

I think Drogo values her as more than just a sex slave. After all, he plans to fight a war of conquest, after the assasination attempt. She seems genuinely devastated when he's left brain dead

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She didn't even think of her dead husband! If you loved your dead husband, your "sun and stars" so much, you're probably going to think about them a bit when engaging in intercourse with the second man you've ever had sex with. And I don't recall that happened...it seems like she's completely forgotten about him.

Two or three years after he has died? You've got to be kidding me!

And it's not as though she forgot Drogo, she kept the lion's pelt. But that's besides the point.

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Prior to Drogo, Dany is a victim of abuse and completely controlled by her brother. There's no getting around the fact that Viserys sold her.

But Drogo gives her freedom and empowerment, symbolically with the silver mare and then later as their relationship develops both sexually and with real power within the Khalasar.

When they get married, they both know they will be having sex. Dany is terrified but she accepts it within the marriage that she was forced into and that's what makes it so uncomfortable for me to read. She accepts it but she also has no choice... so i totally get the argument that it's rape. (by "accepting it" I mean that she doesn't fight it... but it's clear that she wouldn't have been able to stop it) However it's also no different than Cersei and Robert, or even Catelyn and Ned. These are all arranged marriages where the women is given away in exchange for something. In the Westeros bedding ceremony, the society strips and forces the newlyweds to have sex... only by Tyrions conscience was Sansa spared from this.

Dany is able to gain power within her relationship and Drogo encourages it. He respects her 'fierceness' and I think she comes to love him. She means it when she calls him her "sun and stars". At the end of it she has freedom to be her own person, admires Drogo, enjoys the sexual aspect, and they are equals in the relationship. When she 'rides' Drogo it's not just a sex position, it's her taking control and the Dothraki normally don't allow that... they only take women from behind. Especially in the whole horse culture theme...

I'm not trying to excuse the fact that she was forced into the marriage, but by the end it's a real marriage with give and take and mutual respect.... and I think... love.

I don't think the Dario fling means anything... this is a teenage girl infatuated by a guy who reminds her of her previous lover who has been dead for a long time. I also don't put too much stock in the ages... viewed through today's lens it;s disgusting, but historically not uncommon.

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I think that she eventually came to cherish Khal Drogo, but there was definitely some Stockholm Syndrome going on and the whole thing does make me uncomfortable. I am sorry though, but just because someone is living their life their way in "their land" doesn't mean that it isn't morally reprehensible. If you really believe that, then you can pretty much excuse any major tragedy in history. After all, it is just their culture and their way of life to slaughter people and eat people too.

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Surely the point of the prior situation (Drogo raping her) and the latter situation (Dany learning the arts of love) is to show that she's a strong, take-charge kind of girl, queenly, blood of the dragon, etc. She turns a bad situation to her advantage.

Once she's "in charge in the bedroom" and thereby has influence over Drogo, she comes to love him because she sees and elicits a tender aspect in his character.

GRRM is always showing how characters that may be predominantly good or evil (according to the effects of their actions) may sometimes do things opposite to that predominant character, either deliberately or accidentally. Even Hitler loved animals, etc., etc. Had Drogo grown up in a different culture, he might have been a predominantly nice fellow, just with a violent streak he managed to keep in control. But his culture mandated rape as sex. Like that.

Also, wimmins are complicated.

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The situation is a bit unsettling to dissect because of the age difference, but more polarizing to me was their sexual encounters at the beginning stages of the relationship. That said I do believe Dany grew to love him and truly embraced Dothraki culture as well. If anything I believe it maybe a bit of a problem down the line because she came to identify more with Dothraki culture than Westerosi culture. Even though she has conformed things within her Khalasar to be more Westerosi like, I doubt that it will be received well in the kingdoms.

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drogo did court her until she said yes. besides, just because our culture doesnt approve of someone so young having sex doesnt mean that it is truly right or wrong. the sambia tribe in papua new guinea practice ritualistic pedophilial homosexual fellatio with the young men in their tribe. to us its disgusting, but to them, its a normal thing. we need to respect the cultures of dark skinned people.

I know a few dark skinned people who will disagree with you.
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The TV show and many girls I know who read the book seem to think that Dany and Drogo had a really "Awh cute so romantic" type of relationship...true love and everything, when in actuality she was raped multiple times and I thought the whole older Warrior loving a 14 year old was REALLY creepy.

Did Dany actually truly "love" him or was she just a 14 year old enamoured with an older guy (like many teenage girls are, especially when the main man in her life is Viserys), or did she have something like stockholm syndrome...falling in love with her "captor?"

I don't think you can make this leap without mentioning Rheagar and Lyanna. Which is the same.

In fact since we have Danys pov......i think Dany did eventually come to care deeply for Drogo....but it definately didnt start that way.

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I may be wrong but I think i read an interview with grrm, when he said Dany/Drogo was a love story, that she get to love him in time.

For the age disparity, you don't need to go that back in time to find examples of it, when my grandparents marry, she was 14 and he 31, and I know a girl who marry at 16 to a 28 years old guy, and she wasn't forced at all, yes those thing can happen in the 21st century, and it can be a love match/something she choose.

What I despise of Dany/Drogo is the fact that during the first weeks/months (?) he didn't care about her feeling at all, she cry every night, and get to the point when she contemplated suicide iirc.

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Well, I am a true fan of Drogo and Daenerys and yes, Daenerys loved Drogo and vice versa. I don't think I need to go into proving it, GRRM did that already. And those who don't like the idea won't be convinced only because I start a bloody fight here and claim Daenerys did love Drogo. As for Daario it took ages for her to get together with Daario. And Daenerys is a human being who has biological needs. Surely no matter how much she loved/respected Drogo, the man won't wake from the dead and bed her... Time passed and she got over it. That's nature.

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