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Dumbest things you've heard about ASOIAF


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A silly thread, but name the silliest/funniest/stupidest things you've heard related to ASOIAF. I've heard many things, like

"Oh, it's like Lord of the Rings, but if Boromir was the main character." (so, so wrong...The two series are good but so different!)

"That girl, Daniella, where is she with those horses?"

"Omg I'm just like Arya!" (really? did you lose your family and forged a path of revenger after it as well?)

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"Omg I'm just like Arya!" (really? did you lose your family and forged a path of revenger after it as well?)

Oh yes, because people cant relate to a girl who has self esteem issues and balks at gender roles. Sure. Whatever.

"Cersei is a feminist" is probably the most eyerolling silly one ive seen.

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"Oh no, it's alright. I don't want to read the books cause then it'd be a massive spoiler for the series. And they're doing a good job, from what I've heard."

That comment had some shreds of sense after the first season, but now I believe that anyone who watches the series should also read Clash. Two parallel and completely different universes, one of which was utterly lame.

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"Omg I'm just like Arya!" (really? did you lose your family and forged a path of revenger after it as well?)

I relate to Arya. I wouldn't say I'm just like her, but we have similar personality traits.

You don't have to go through the same exact experiences as a person to be like them.

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I guess it doesn't bother me much but some people who say these Arya comparisions take her for just a tomboy, and that's it. And I mean, yeah, okay, Arya's a tomboy, great...But people shouldn't forget on her quest to revenge and her killing, but most do, since they believe Arya is "less interesting" with those traits.

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I guess it doesn't bother me much but some people who say these Arya comparisions take her for just a tomboy, and that's it. And I mean, yeah, okay, Arya's a tomboy, great...But people shouldn't forget on her quest to revenge and her killing, but most do, since they believe Arya is "less interesting" with those traits.

So we need to have gone through the exact same experiences as Arya did in order to relate to her? People dont need to have done so to identify with a character. People who relate to Sansa most likely never have been hostages or married dwarves against their will, etc.

Doesnt mean they cant relate to her.

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