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The Most Annoying Phrase

Jaime FTW

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There are a lot of phrases that are often repeated in the books. Such as:

Lannister always pay his debts;

Wherever whores go;

She's been fucking Lancel and Osmund Kettblack and probably Moon Boy for all i know;

What is dead may never die;

I'm just a little girl that knows nothing;

It is known.

And other.

But for me the most annoying phrase is "you know nothing, Jon Snow".

What phare is the most annoying for you?

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Mine are:


Anytime he describes food

Arbor gold

House of Manwoody makes me laugh every time.

I like Nuncle but only when the Ironborn use it,

When anyone references the Rains of Castemere and then everyone laughs wittily

A lannister always pays his debts..... So annoying

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Anytime he describes food

Specifically onions. I noticed it before ADwD, but that book seemed to be so full of onions my eyes started watering. I had to go back and re-read RW 2 or 3 times because it seemed to happen so fast. The opposite is true for all those interminable endless onion feasts. Aarrgghhh!!!

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"I am but a young girl and know little of the ways of war..."

It's entirely true, yet she-who-must-not-be-named says it mockingly, as if she is experienced.

So much this. I absolutely cant stand this. I think Barristan even calls her on it in his head in one of his POV's, if I remember correctly.

I also hate nuncle.

I didnt hate a Lannister always pays his debts until show Tyrion started saying it in almost every conversation.

Sometimes I hope Tyrion gets his tongue cut out so I dont have to hear him ask where whores go anymore.

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