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[Book Spoilers] A wedding, a warrior and a wight?

Father of Dragons

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The synopsis has been released and it is quite revealing!

"King's Landing hosts a wedding, and Tyrion and Sansa spend the night together. Dany meets the Titan's Bastard. Davos demands proof from Melisandre. Sam and Gilly meet an older gentleman"

The first sentence is quite self-explanatory: the first wedding of the season.

From the second (ha!) sentence and the name of the episode, it is clear that Dany will be introduced to the second (again, ha!) sellword company's captain, Mero.

Davos will be getting that long-awaited visit from the Red Woman.

But the part I've found most interesting is this "older gentleman". From what I can remember, they only meet one person (alone) on the way south. Could this be someone many people have been waiting for? One whose hands are black and cold as ice? One who smells of dead meat and dry blood? One who does not breathe? Coldhands?

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if that's the synopsis... the title of the episode, I don't really get it... what is it about? who are the second sons?

The Second Sons refer to the mercenary company that the Titan's Bastard leads.

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Yeah I'm pretty sure it's Coldhands. The only other thing I can think of is the wight of Jeor Mormont or Craster.

Dany will meet Daario this episode.

Yeah and the guy who plays Coldhands aint the guy who played Benjen, so there's one of my favorite theories blown out of the water.

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Am I the only one hoping they'll go away from the "include every story in E10" shit, and rather end some stories here? :) That way E9 and E10 would feel less rushed, and can focus more on the great events that will happen there.


Sam - I really want them to skip the Bran/Sam meeting.. Really. It would just be to rushed at the end I feel. Read Bran to see my points. I'd like Sam to slay an Other at around 6/7, and then in this one they are truly fucked. However Coldhands appear! And boom, there is Sam story done. I think that would be great. Leaves more material for season 4 aswell.

Theon - The wildcard, no one really knows what happens to him. How I see it, he will atleast have a scene of being tortured. And hopefully he'll hear the story about Reek, and then we'll understand Ramsay is trying to make Theon to his little pet. Maybe we get Kyra, and the dogs? I'd like that. However, I think Theon wil appear in E10, since it appears they wait with the Bolton reveal until after RW.

Jaime - I don't think this one. However, I think his story will be pretty wrapped up after E7, and he'll only have a short scene in E10. That's why he's getting so much screentime now.

Bran - Brans story is a problem for the writers. How I hope they'll handle it; An episode where they realise some northerners are after them (smart viewers will start speculate about Theon then), some scenes with Jojen and warging, and a few scenes with Meera (need the chemistry!). They can postpone most of his wargingshit, his dream, KoTLT and such til Season 4, ending with Coldhands admitting to Bran "I'm your monster Brandon Stark". That way, I think after Summers encounter with Jon, they'll end his story there. Anyone know when that will be? hopefully Brans last scene.

Stannis - I can see this being the last episode he appears.


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Yeah and the guy who plays Coldhands aint the guy who played Benjen, so there's one of my favorite theories blown out of the water.

Not necessarily.

-The show has already changed actors for other characters and could do the same for Benjen.

-Coldhands face could be covered/hidden.

-The show could have Coldhands be a different character than the books does.

-The older gentleman might not be Coldhands at all. Though, I hope it is.

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I wonder if the viewers will be reintroduced to Prince Tommen, to help viewers when the PW happens early next season? He is a second son, just like Tyrion and there is a short scene in the book at the Tyrion/Sansa wedding where Tommen briefly dances with Sansa.

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