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Death of House Frey

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I think that at the end there will be some Freys left, simply because there are lot's of them, but I don't think that House Bolton will share the same faith. I mean, there are only two living Boltons, Roose and Ramsay. I think they will both die in the Battle of Winterfell.

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I hope you also call those readers monsters who argue that Tywin was justified in ordering the Rains of Castamere/Tysha's rape or the Freys in murdering unarmed guests and desecrating the bodies.

I've never seen anyone argue that those acts were justified. I *do* see people arguing in this thread for collective punishment, on the grounds that the Starks are good guys and the Freys are baddies.

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I've never seen anyone argue that those acts were justified. I *do* see people arguing in this thread for collective punishment, on the grounds that the Starks are good guys and the Freys are baddies.

Those arguments are frequent enough that I'm familiar with them despite not being the most active poster - Machiavelli, realpolitik, great men being some of the common key words of the threads and defenses, with Tysha's gang rape also showing up in Tyrion discussions. I've been frustrated by them enough times to know. Tywin's use of collective punishment is celebrated as intelligent politics, a way to finish current wars and prevent future ones (because that's proving so true around ADWD...), and the pinnacle of Hard Men Making Hard Choices (if Tysha is raped she can't show up claiming her child is Tyrion's heir, she was a commoner like his father's humiliating mistress and Tywin did what he had to do to protect the general good of all Lannisters, etc), while the Freys have their Red Wedding defenders too (the "why isn't Robb judged for breaking his word" thread is a recent example, equating the massacre of guests with Robb backing out of a marriage alliance and then humbling himself in apology and compensation to the Freys). In the case of Tywin and the Freys, it's less about good guys and baddies than about arguing that morality doesn't matter because practicality is all.

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  • 1 year later...

With the hostages being moved to King's Landing and Roslin to Carterly Rock, I believe GRRM is setting the stage for the destruction of The Twins. If that is the case, perhaps House Frey will face a similar fate of House Hoare, and the Twins will burn like Harrenhal.

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