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Would Robb make a good king?

Jon Snow R+L=J

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Robb`s plans never involved winning Iron throne, or maybe I have forgotten something? Robb was young and unexperienced. That was his major flaw. Combine that with inherited naivite he got from his father, and he was doomed... Basically, he would be a good King, not the best but not the worst too.

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Robb`s plans never involved winning Iron throne, or maybe I have forgotten something? Robb was young and unexperienced. That was his major flaw. Combine that with inherited naivite he got from his father, and he was doomed... Basically, he would be a good King, not the best but not the worst too.

Yeah. I think Robb would've made a good King in the North, but not the best one.

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But that would make 40% of the topics here pointless.

We already have 40% of the topics pointless around here. Especially in this time of the year when show emerges again...

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King of Westeros? I think he would have been good while he lasted. The politics of the IT would have consumed him.

King in the North is a different story though. Had he won the war, and ruled over the North and Riverlands, I think he would have made very good king. Just, honorable, young enough to rule for a long time to bring stability. Deep sense of duty to the smallfolk.

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If the Red Wedding didn't happen and Robb went on to win the iron throne would Robb make a good king? I have mixed feelings about this.

He'd be a sufficient king in the North at a young age, but he'd struggle with the IT. Robb's a different breed to most southern nobles, and dealing with them would be difficult.

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He was a pretty good king when we has alive.

Had he lived, he'd shape up to be a great King in the North, or King on the Iron Throne. However, after Robert was done with the Seven Kingdoms, I don't wish the Iron Throne on anyone...well, maybe Danearys. :devil:

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With more experience I'm sure he would have made a great King- It's not his fault there are slippery Git's like Walder Frey and Roose Bolton around. He did inspire great loyalty from his men (minus the traitors and Karstarks) as they choose him to be raised to King and they defended him until the end (SmallJon). He was also a great battle strategist and dedicated to his job being the first one up in the mornings and last to bed.

However, his achilles' heel for being a King in Westeros was his 'honour' - a dangerous thing to have in the Game of Thrones. His honour made him marry Jeyne and looking on the political side he should have realised this was a poor choice- he could have created an alliance through marriage, putting the welfare of his kingdom before an individual's (and his own) welbeing.

However, I don't fault him for his flaws because they're also admirable (in the modern world he'd be a man of virtue) and he did well for one so young.

When he matured he would have made a great King- The King who fought for the North. However, he'd be King of The North, not wanting anything to do with the Iron Throne.

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yh i dont see why he wouldnt be a great ruler like his father (once he'd knocked the mistakes he made out having not been able to grow up fast enough) The starks are great rulers, but not great politicians, so if robb rules by himself, or with a few honest men, from winterfell, then his reign would be an effective one, albeit a difficult one militarily if the vale doesnt eventually join the kingdom of the north

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It seems like Robb was Westeros' Alexander the Great (wins all his battles and is lauded as a military genius at a young age) but he was really naive when it came to the gritty, realpolitik side of power. Thing is, he died before we got a better look at what he'd do during a time of peace. He'd probably be reasonably good ruling the North. The South? Not so much; just look at how Ned fared in King's Landing.

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On the Iron throne? No, he wouldn't understand the culture and politicking of the southern courts and the deals that would have to be made.

He would have been a great King In the North. He was respected and loved and understood the people he was ruling. Plus it would be hard(near impossible) to try invade the North when winter came, especially by using foot soldiers. All he would have to do would be station 1,000 men at Moat Cailin and no one could touch him.

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