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What prequel Novel would you like GRRM to write?

Jose Stark

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I see a few options here.

1. the Long Night and War for dawn with the first other invasion and bran the builder and the wall

2. the Andal invasion

3. the begginings of the Valyrain Freehold, discovery and taiming of dragons along with war with the Ghiscari Empire and the Rhoynyar

4. the Tale of Nymeria and her fleeing to dorne

5. The doom of Valyria

6. The time after the doom and the establishment of the free cities

7. Aegons conquest

8. Blackfyre Rebelion

9. War of the Nine Penny Kings

10. Roberts Rebelion

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, and Maron and Rodrick. I want to see how they were to Theon and Asha.

Doesn't both Theon and Asha directly mention how Theon's brothers used to bully and be cruel to him?

1. Just a general fic exploring the different familes pre-AGOT.

2. Robert's Rebellion

3. Greyjoy's Rebellion

4. The War of the Ninepenny King

5. Aegon's Conquest

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1. The Tower of Joy mini-battle from Eddard's POV.

2. The sack of King's Landing from Jaime's POV.

3. Barristan rescuing the Mad King from Duskendale through his POV.

4. The tourney at Harrenhal through either Lyanna or Rhaegar POV.

5. Davos slipping through the Redwyne fleet from his own POV.

6. The execution of Rickard and Brandon Stark through Jaime's POV.

7. The Summerhall tragedy through Dunk's POV (I'm almost certain we eventually get this)

8. The Battle of the Bells through Connington's POV.

9. Construction of the Wall and Winterfell through Brandon the Builder's POV or Bran's as he watches these past events via weirwood (could happen still)

--i think this would be immensely difficult to write because the magic used by Bran the Builder

Please George..

And that's that. I didn't have to write anything. Thanks.

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Robert's Rebellion from Aerys' point of view would be really fascinating. Sort of like Cersei in a Feast for Crows except ten times more painful to witness.

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Doesn't both Theon and Asha directly mention how Theon's brothers used to bully and be cruel to him?

True. Still, I do think there was more to it than just that, at least thats what Im hoping for.

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The next 50 years of Dunk and Egg would do nicely. The Tragedy of Summerhall is one of the most significant moments of the past the effects the Song of Ice and Fire.

This would be my choice as well. One huge Dunk and Egg novel.

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  • 2 months later...

I would like GRRM to write about these

1. Tywin's Autobiography

2. Lann the Clever

3. Valyrian Freehold

4. Blackfyre Rebellion

5. Garth Greenhands

6. Azor Azhai and the End of the Long Night

7. War between the First Men and the Children of the Forest

8. War between the First Men and the Andals

9. The Aftermath of the Doom of Valyria

10. The First Targaryen

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