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Will GRRM leave unanswered questions in the end?


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We all know that every character can die, and it doesn' t matter how badly we want something to happen in the books, because the more we want it the les chances that it actually will be. My question is, does it mean that because everyone hope to find out about Ned's promise to Lyana, Jon's parents, the reason why Benjen took the black or wether he is alive or not and a lot of others things we just won't? Maybe I'm being more pesimistic than Dolorous Edd, but this thought worry me.

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I think so because he said that he might write other stories set in the same world once the last two books are finished.

I definitely don't think that every question that has been brought up on this board will be answered by the end of the story.

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I think it's pretty obvious that we'll get the answers regarding Jon Snow's parentage, the identity of Azor Ahai, and what The Others are.

The series will likely have a vast amount of other unsolved mysteries though, just as it should be. Tolkien fans have been debating what happened to the Entwives, or who Tom Bombadil was, for years. It adds verisimilitude to the fantasy world. In our own reality, there is plenty about existence we do not know.

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The series will likely have a vast amount of other unsolved mysteries though, just as it should be. Tolkien fans have been debating what happened to the Entwives, or who Tom Bombadil was, for years. It adds verisimilitude to the fantasy world. In our own reality, there is plenty about existence we do not know.

Absolutely! And having all the answers is just so final. If the characters are to live on beyond the last page of ADoS, then some mysteries will have to remain. Tying everything up seems like everyone's problems will be resolved, and that's a happy ending. I can't see GRRM wanting/doing that.

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The series will likely have a vast amount of other unsolved mysteries though, just as it should be. Tolkien fans have been debating what happened to the Entwives, or who Tom Bombadil was, for years. It adds verisimilitude to the fantasy world. In our own reality, there is plenty about existence we do not know.


My guess, and kind of a hope, is that we get MOST of the major mysteries answered. But if one larger would be left unanswered, among with many small and some inbetween, I believe for those that will only read ASOIAF (eventhough he writes ories around in the same world) it will keep the story alive for an eternity and beyond.

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Martin has said that the religions and magic will never fully be fleshed out. Don't expect to get confirmation if there actually is a R'hllor or a Drowned God.

He also has said that he doesn't want to have an ending similar to the TV show Lost, where several plot lines and mysteries that were brought up were simply left unresolved, so I think all the Chekhov's guns will eventually either be fired, or showed to be red herrings.

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I'm not sure where... But I'm pretty sure that he has confirmed that in book 6 we will be learning who Jon Snow's parents are. So that is one mystery that will get tied up.

He won't be confirming or denying which gods are/arent real, though. Thats kind of the point of them being gods; we are supposd to be just as curious as all of the characters are.

I do believe that some other mysteries, like the nature of the others/great other and what the Fall of Valyra really was will be resolved, though. I don't think Martin is one to not tie up loose ends. I also think that minor details are what make this series so good, and it would seem weird not to have many of the minor questions be answered.

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I like having some speculation and unanswered questions left...just as long as you don't leave it as annoyingly ambigious and pointless as "Lost" was.

However my perfect ending is having Jaime sat on the Iron Throne, waiting for someone to claim it. That'd be sweet. Obviously other PoVs would given us enough information to assume with some confidence who will take the throne, but I'd be happy with a poetic, open ending such as that.

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I think a better question is what mysteries will be left unsolved and what mysteries will be answered. For example we will find out that R+L=J, but it would be great if George never tells us what Lyanna made Ned promise before she died.

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Probably. GRRM doesn't have a habit of answering every single question that's been asked in the series, and I expect it to end just like that. Some of the main story arcs will be resolved with good closure, while others will end as cliffhangers. That's not necessarily a bad thing, though. Just look at The Sopranos. The abrupt cut to black is considered one of the best series finales in TV history. It's the same with books, movies, everything. Sometimes it's better to keep the fans guessing.

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