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Which Characters Do You Hope to See Interact Before the Story is Over?

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This could be a long list

Stark reunion of any sort.

Tully reunion (UnCat and either of the men).

Theon and Jon.

Stannis and Davos (remember, Stannis thinks he's dead).

Tormund and the Greatjon.

Dany and anyone willing to tell her the whole truth about the 'Usurper's Dogs' and 'The Mad King' business. Jaime, Tyrion, Barry, Stannis, Davos, Brienne, etc.

Littlefinger and one of the Tullys, preferably UnCat.

And last but by no means least,

Ramsay, Roose, Euron, and the man who talks like this (according to Ser Terrance Pratchett.)

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There are many good possibilities, but for women Lady Stone Heart aka "Zombie Cat" Vs Cersi, Brieanne Vs Milisandre. Danerys and Ariya. For just the humor and dialoge Tyrion and Bronn again. To kick ass The Great Jon Vs Roose,or Tormand Vs Roose, Theon with Ramsey on a stake. Varys Vs Littlefinger. Jon and Danerys united with both wolves and dragons to roast and eat all the remaining Lanisters, worthless Tyrells,Freys and Boltons and the rest of the lords and ladies of the crawfish kingdom. Then they could proclaim Stannis as the "King of Bones" and Lord of "no one left" for killing his brother. George RR Martin Vs an Undead Robert Jordan for making me suffer for over 20 years reading the Wheel of Time. "Get Him George" do what you do best and kill him with prose."

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