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  2. Are they? I don’t think they are that much better than previous years. East is definitely weaker as well. I mean it all comes down to the same thing that the Celtics deal with. Can they establish a half court offence? It’s what they’ve failed at every time lately in the post season when push comes to shove.
  3. I just read Returns before jumping in. Wentworth would seem to share a lot in common with Wobble. Did you ever have a dog that inspired Volente? I also liked the themes of potential and the stillborn child. It wasn’t what I expected to read when I opened up the file to read.
  4. @Lord Varys Re Fevre Dream: By ending I meant more the epilogue at the very end. Re Ice Dragon: https://www.amazon.com/Ice-Dragon-George-R-Martin/dp/0765378779 Is this the version you're talking about re editing? I vaguely recall reading somewhere that among other things they took out the mentioning of rape.
  5. Sure. But the path to the finals looks especially easy this year as long as they stay healthy. Plus, ya know, these Celtics are a distinctly different team.
  6. 100% agreed. I mean, you, Toth, kind of remind me of Werther - probably because you’re German, and I think “echtromantishe” is a word, one that I haven’t spelled correctly, I’m sure, but like, Very Romantic on the Romantic Age sense. But, if you haven’t read “The Sorrows of Young Werther” it is about a young man who falls very much in love with lovely Lotte, and there’s a lot of sighing and words and zero physical interaction, but then I think she is somehow unavailable and he kills himself, and while the moral of the story is “is it better to have loved and lost or never to love at all” (which is So Very Toth, the whole philosophizing of love part) but also I think the book might have been banned because young men were literally harming themselves after reading it.
  7. I dunno, this line of thought seems to suggest an impossible standard for the media to uphold. Coverage of all types of horrible events/actions can potentially motivate those in a vulnerable emotional state. Doesn’t mean they shouldn’t be covered.
  8. My point is that they have three series to trip over themselves. Four if you count the finals.
  9. On another note - just saw some discussion of the new self immolation protestor which says that you can see his psychology fall apart after his mum died. Perhaps she was the one that got him to take meds and he stopped without her, maybe it was just the shock of losing her that cracked him but either way I'm going to feel sympathy and sorrow for it. I was stuck away from home and completely isolated for a few weeks when I lost my mum and my connection to reality was very tenuous by the time I got to come home. Could certainly imagine it just worsening over time if I hadn't had family to come back to and get grounded. It does speak to the other concern that was expressed after the previous self-immolation protest which I shared, that the coverage of protest like that could serve to encourage others in a vulnerable emotional state to do the same.
  10. My obvious point is Butler is out.
  11. Today
  12. I mean, that's what eliminated the Celtics the last two seasons. Losing to the Warriors, fine. Losing to the Heat? Wouldn't have imagined it before the series. The Heat did upset the Bucks, but Giannis was injured. Wow. Maybe they can take on some bad assets for picks then, if they are indeed bottoming out.
  13. I mean, Miami had Jimmy Butler last season. DeRozan is a free agent.
  14. Boston was expected to beat Miami last season too. Hopefully they've finally fixed their turnovers and they don't go cold from three again. Do the Bulls have their own picks? If they are going to bottom out, think they missed the boat on LaVine. Maybe they can get some value for DeRozan, but otherwise its probably just Caruso and White in demand? They were looking good for awhile before Ball got injured, but I guess the Vucevic trade really put them in a bad position.
  15. Dude, this happens to all of us, albeit with a slightly different twist. There’s always a risk when you’re dating that one will like the other more. There’s always the possibility that you’ll have to break someone’s heart, or have yours broken, because you’re not both equally into each other. And it sucks, but it’s the only way. You can’t fall in love unless you let go of some control and let yourself be vulnerable. It’s part of the game. You’re not incapable of love. No one is, except possibly psychopaths, and you’re clearly not one. Don’t fret over this. Of all the things you need to worry about, this is the very last.
  16. Well, the Alys Karstark point less side show is there for a reason. Even a daughter will supersede uncles and sons of those uncles in the hierarchy of successions. it remains to be seen how it’ll pan out but the Starks will once again come back through the female line (Bael if true) - a part of the sweet in the planned bittersweet ending. Sansa will likely rule Winterfell with Robb’s baby (which I think is either twins or a daughter) as the heir. Besides we shouldn’t trust Lady Sybelle’s claims. Let’s not underestimate Jeyne herself. Jamie thinking the hooded girl is Jeyne reminds me of the same Jamie thinking the veiled woman leaving KL is Queen Rhaella. We’ve seen how decoys work : Myrcella on her way to Dorne. Trust only what the five senses report as advised by Syrio to Arya.
  17. He's lost a *lot* of weight for his cheeks to be that gaunt. Gas issues are certainly a possibility from semaglutide, but I feel the weight loss is greater than is typically seen - I guess he could have been on it a long time and we just didn't notice the weight loss for a long time rather than it being over only a few months. What I'm saying is - semaglutide is the most likely explanation, but illness is possible.
  18. Enough of this bullshit. Jerry, sell the team. Fire AK. Fire Donovan. Trade everyone.
  19. Dominic West -- from Jimmy McNulty to King Charles III!
  20. I’ve heard this before and I never got it. If I end up in the ER you think I’m gonna be embarrassed by my boxers/underwear? Like, as if those workers don’t deal with horrible shit every damn shift.
  21. This reminds me when I was in high school, I think 16, we went on a family vacation to Kiawah, SC. It was only my dad and I at the place we were staying at. I was..using the restroom, and I looked down and saw the biggest spider I’ve ever seen - still to this day. Now I’ve always been fine about killing critters. But with this one, I got up, went to my dad, and was like “that’s all you man.” He chuckled and was like OK, then went into the bathroom and literally was like “oh fuck!” We still laugh about it to this day.
  22. Imagine buying anything off this clown car outfit.
  23. ^ Today I learned that the city of Amsterdam has only ONE professional football club
  24. That is a logical fear. When I was a kid, our nextdoor neighbor, who was an antenna installer (blast from the past there!) He fell off a roof and broke his back. I used to go out with this guy whose parents lived in a 28th-story penthouse. He regaled me with stories of how he and his brother used to run and throw themselves against the glass in play. Uh-uh. nope. absolutely not. no way.
  25. For us it was, "Wear clean underwear because you may end up in the hospital!" It WAS kind of a good thing no matter where you end up.
  26. Yesterday
  27. Finished up with The Bear. Decent, a little bit overrated but when it was on fire it was really good. Other times it was a bunch of adults screaming about cheese. Another couple of episodes of Manhunt down and damn this is good. Feels like it should be getting as much talk as Shogun. Tobias Menzies is outstanding. Checked out Ford vs. Ferrari and very solid, great performances from Christian Bale and Matt Damon. Unlike some other recent-ish racing movies (like the otherwise solid Rush), the blending of real racing and CGI is faultless. Kicked off a rewatch of The Wire and I'm pretty certain this show is only getting better and better with age.
  28. Boston should be the favorite, but it should always make one nervous when your team's best player is known choker.
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