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Mosi Mynn

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Everything posted by Mosi Mynn

  1. It's such a shame it looks so generic. The source material allows them to do a different take on an oft-told tale. They could focus on the actual Winter King, , and draw people in that way. They imply that Arthur is the titular King, but in The Warlord Chronicles, .
  2. Oh noooooo! Derfel is not like Uhtred!
  3. That's one of the best things about the books, though: getting a different perspective on Arthur. Cornwell was clever in building up the myth of Arthur before we actually meet him - if they are as clever, the creators of this adaptation will do the same thing. We and Derfel hear so much about Arthur before we meet him. We get everyone's opinions of him, hear about his achievements, see the hope he inspires in the Brits (well, the Dumnonians, at least), and the fear in his enemies. And his entrance into the story (yes, probably a deliberate PR stunt, but effective and necessary) always makes me grin - it should be a punch the air moment. The trailer did not look as though it had many punch the air moments.
  4. Young Merlin. He should be Gandalfesque.
  5. Is there already a thread for this? Off the success of The Last Kingdom, we're getting The Winter King - an adaptation of the first book in Bernard Cornwell's (King) Arthur trilogy. Trailer here It looks really grim, but it's less than two minutes, so hopefully this is not the only tone of the series. Arthur himself was good natured and amiable in the books. This is my favourite Bernard Cornwell story/series. He wove the Arthurian legends dexterously and cleverly with historical realism. The series could be amazing - but they have to get the characters right. Cornwell's versions of Guinevere, Nimue, Lancelot, Merlin, Culhwch, Aelle, and especially Arthur are complex and compelling. I never thought of Iain De Caestecker as Arthur (only knowing him from Agents of SHIELD), but, if he smiles more than he does in the trailer, he could be Arthur. Anyone else looking forward to this - apprehensively or otherwise?
  6. I'm not sure if I need to put this in spoilers as it's speculation on a series that might not happen, but I'll err on the side of caution:
  7. Interesting snippets about what Matalas might want from a Legacy show. I particularly like this (from the bottom of the article):
  8. It gets more non-sensical the more I think about it, to the point that I'm not sure it's even supposed to make sense. It seems to be all nostalgia over plot. Are we going to see the changelings again? Have they really infiltrated Starfleet, or was that a misdirect, and it was really the Borg all along? Is the Borg Queen the indistinct head Vadic was taking orders from? Were Vadic's changelings part of the Borg collective somehow? I wish they had gone with one or the other - either changelings or Borg would have been more than enough for a good story. Did I miss why the Titan had to go to Earth? Couldn't they send a message from where they were? The Jack thing seemed really rushed. And Starfleet protocols around the Borg seem ill-thought through. As others have mentioned, surely the first thing you do if you think someone is under Borg influence is to knock/stun them unconscious. And speaking of Jack: was he a long-term plan for the Borg, or were they taking advantage of the fact Locutus had a son? If it was a long term plan, why not just make another Locutus and ensure they have children? It was opportunistic, how and when did they find out about Jack? Why was Vadic chasing Jack and Beverly? She's a changeling! Just change from, lure them in and deliver them to the Borg! Why did Ro avoid the transporter? I thought she feared assassination, or she suspected the Titan transporter was compromised (the changeling they found and killed had taken the place of the transporter chief). But the transporters were compromised by the Borg - presumably Ro did not know this, as she never mentioned the Borg, and, as it turned out, she would have been unaffected anyway. So ... why did she avoid the transporter? And then there are the characters. I love Geordi, and always have, but good grief he should be freaking out that both his daughters are suddenly Borg! He should barely be able to function, let alone stand proudly aside as everyone meanders leisurely around the D-bridge, praising his achievement, and complimenting the carpet!! But at least he is thinking of his daughters. Riker and Troi seem to have forgotten about Kestra ... I thought that everyone took the Borgification of Starfleet very well. This should be the darkest, most hopeless time. BOBW was really tense, but this takeover of all of Starfleet does not feel particularly tense, because the characters seem to be quite chilled about the horrors they have unwittingly unleashed on everyone. I love the nostalgia. I love seeing the crew back together. I choked up when they were on the E-D. And I really enjoyed Shaw as a character. But the plot makes no sense at all! Sorry, that was far too long! I needed to vent!
  9. I'm not overly familiar with Trekdom! I don't think Beverly is working with Vadic, but I wouldn't be surprised if the real Beverly had been replaced by a changeling just over 20 years before the story started and then gone rogue.
  10. Does anyone think any of the TNG crew are changelings? I'm suspicious of Beverly.
  11. I loved that about TNG too. I feel like TNG was Starfleet and the Federation at its absolute peak. They were so secure in their pomp that their flagship was basically a flying town - with families on board. By the time Shaw is a captain I get the feeling Starfleet is passed its peak. There have been Borg attacks, the Dominion War, and everyone is more cynical and jaded. There don't seem to be any families on board either (were there families on the Enterprise E - that seemed sleeker and fiercer than her predecessor). I get what you're saying about Shaw. Maybe Todd Stashwick is just too damn charismatic, but I like Shaw. He's a dick to Seven and Picard - and that's unprofessional, unfair and not on, but at least there is a reason (I am curious how Seven and Shaw ended up on the same ship - who decided that was a good idea?). Picard and Riker are complete hypocrites in this instance - they never liked it when an Admiral waltzed on to their ship and was clearly lying and/or taking advantage. Frankly, they should have been as steadfast as Shaw was with them! And it is solely by their actions that the Titan crew are in danger and now renegades. Shaw and the Titan would definitely show up if there was a problem - but everything would be done by the book, by regulation. I hope Shaw doesn't die: he has grown already in just these few episodes. I think his experiences with the old crew will make him a better captain, a more optimistic one, even give him some ideals that he wants to fight for.
  12. I'm here for the dragons - very excited that Vhagar (Visenya is my favourite Targ) was mentioned. I am really looking forward to cute little Laena finding her and becoming her rider. They have to do Vhagar right - she is the largest dragon we will ever see. Can't wait! I'm also looking forward to poor tragic Sunfyre - who will be glorious initially. Humanwise, I'm loving Viserys (a sane Targaryen!), Rhaenyra and Daemon. The writers and actors have a lot of scope to develop these characters, and I love what they are doing so far.
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