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Everything posted by GarthGreenhand

  1. Gave it a 7. I'm impressed with how the show has managed to slow down and give attention to detail and atmosphere. I can't say this was done at all in Season 4 and certainly not in the first 3 episodes of Season 5. I don't understand the "1" votes. Is it simply because of your connection to Sansa and your disapproval over where her arc has taken her? I don't fault D&D at all for what they needed to do with Sansa - she's a great actress and one of the more sympathetic characters. They couldn't have her just walking around the Vale all day with nothing to do. The change is welcome. Watching her scene was painful - but I'm certain it's going to set up for great drama in the final episodes. I've posted it already - but I think Sansa takes out either Ramsay or Roose (or both?) with Theon's help...and then throws herself off of the tallest tower in Winterfell, lands where Bran landed in Episode 1. Brienne and Pod arrive too late. Tragic all around.
  2. A solid 8 for me. Like many, I'm treating the show as its own entity separate from the books. I feel that each episode this season has gotten better for one reason: PACING! In Episodes 501 & 502, each scene was way too fast. I realize there was a lot to cover - but what suffers are the emotional moments that we were used to seeing in Season 1 & 2. I felt for Arya...I felt for Brienne...and I felt for Sansa. Taking time to savor the emotional moments are helping me (re)connect with the characters.
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