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Everything posted by Nevets

  1. With respect to Jeyne Poole, I doubt she will meet Jon. He will probably be out of commission (comatose or dead) when she arrives. She won't want to stick around to be exposed, and with Ramsay apparently on the warpath, her escort and probably the NW won't want her around either. She, along with Massey and the banker, and possibly Alysanne Mormont, will probably be sent on to Eastwatch, then Braavos. Ramsay is probably planning to deal with Jon's recognition of Jeyne one of two ways. Either intimidate Jon into staying quiet (news travels slowly, especially up North), or brand him as a liar. He would claim Jon is lying because he hates the Lannisters and doesn't want his sister marrying their representative. Jon has clear motive to lie; I suspect even the Northerners might think he's lying, but would use it anyway. Of course, it's probably moot, as Jon and Jeyne are unlikely to meet. As far as Bowen Marsh knows, Jon is going to march on Winterfell with an army of wildlings. This is a very bad idea, and could cut off the Nights Watch from both the North and the Crown. If I were in the Nights Watch I would be very uneasy as well. Stabbing Jon may be overkill, but hardly a surprise, or necessarily unreasonable, given what Jon has just said.
  2. I doubt they would know exactly how old she was . Most likely, just that she was younger than Sansa, who is younger than Robb. Still, that puts her 13-14 at most, which is young even for Westeros. But we are dealing with Boltons, so I doubt anyone is going to make a fuss.
  3. Many people know what Sansa looks like. She was a prominent figure at Court until her disappearance, which wasn't that long ago. It's not like Arya, who nobody paid attention to in Kings Landing, and has been gone from the North for two years or so. And people who knew her from Winterfell are dead or imprisoned. Arya couldn't pretend to be her anyway. The descriptions aren't even close. In any case, Sansa is learning the arts of politics and exerting influence. She's being set up by Martin to be a player. She'll probably reveal herself when she's good and ready.
  4. Ned Stark. His kids are solid citizens. Even Arya is less bad than she would be without him. Mace Tyrell Hoster Tully. His treatment of Lysa wasn't great, but in this setting, hardly surprising. Howland Reed. Great kids, goal oriented and capable. Evenstar of Tarth. Lets his daughter do her thing. Probably a lot more. Unhappy, messed-up families are more interesting to write and read about than well adjusted happy ones, so they're the ones we hear about.
  5. Amen to that. Not only do I dislike the Faceless Men, I fail to see the point. It's beyond clear that Arya won't become an assassin, and having someone take a new face and pretend to be someone else is great once or twice, but gets old in a hurry. Come home, Arya!
  6. Margaery is the Younger and More Beautiful [Queen]. It's self fulfilling and Cersei is making it so. Tyrion is the valonqar. See above. Shadrich is a red herring there to distract us. He's there because of Littlefinger's job offer and has no idea Alayne is really Sansa. Allyria Dayne is the daughter of Ashara Dayne and Eddard Stark. Jeyne Poole, Asha Greyjoy, and Cersei Lannister are all pregnant.
  7. Tywin and Tyrion. Abusive behavior, belittlement, lack of respect, followed by murder. Can't get much worse than that. Balon and Theon was pretty bad, compounded by the time apart. I'm sure there are worse historically, but I only know the main series.
  8. At this point, I think it is too early to make endgame predictions for anybody, especially non-central characters like Brienne unless you expect their death. I think Brienne has a better than average chance of surviving the series. Her death likely wouldn't affect the story that much, and it's not one readers are looking forward to. I doubt she will end up as a knight or a Kingsguard. Not that she won't deserve it; but Westeros is still a very traditional society, and patriarchal. It will change, but not that much. Being sworn shield to a queen consort, princess, or high lady is a strong possibility, though. Marriage and children are also possible, if not as likely. At this point though, the only real candidate is Ser Hyle, who she currently dislikes, as do most readers. However, he does respect her abilities, and even her attitude, which is more than can be said for most men in the series.
  9. Sansa has no real memory issues, or serious psychological concerns at all. Her only memory error was the "unkiss" with Sandor. Given that it was a frightening and confused event, with sexual overtones, experienced by a young adolescent, inaccurately remembering a kiss is hardly surprising. She remembered the Mycah incident, she just didn't want to say so in public. As for Arya, she has psychological issues, but they have nothing to do with her mother. In fact, before she was forced on the run, she was a fairly normal nine-year-old. A bit rambunctious, with unusual interests for a girl, but nothing too unusual. In fact I suspect her upbringing by Catelyn and Eddard has kept her from being any worse than she is.
  10. They would have to know Littlefinger's exact age or his work history, and then do the math. Unlike today, this type of information will not necessarily be readily available. Anyone who goes to the trouble is probably already suspicious and has a good idea of what is going on. The story won't withstand close scrutiny, but I doubt it was intended to. It is intended to account for Sansa's presence and forstall awkward questions. And Eve if they suspect, they won't know. And making a mistake on something like that can get you in trouble. Also, lots of people would have good reason to keep quiet. Littlefinger's supporters, such as they are, won't want to cause him any trouble. And I think most of the Lords Declarant we're Stark supporters, so they will be inclined not to expose Sansa. Plus, as I pointed out, suspecting and knowing are two different things.
  11. Actually, I think In terms of attitude and temperament, Sansa is closer to her father, and Arya to her mother. And Ned is the rigid one that doesn't bend. Ned was very focused on honor, and obeying the rules and the law. His rigid sense of honor and rules led him to support Stannis and fail to enact a coup when Robert was mortally wounded. He expected people to do right thing and was surprised when they didn't. Sansa's was like that at first as well, but has learned better. Catelyn and Arya are believers in honor and rules as well, but are more flexible and aren't as surprised when things don't work out. Also, they are currently both in vengeful mode, wanting to hurt those who have hurt them. In terms of psychological state, I worry a lot more about Arya than Sansa.
  12. As I've said before, Arya's story is one of the hardest to figure out, especially in the near future. It can go in many directions. I think she will leave Braavos fairly soon. It looks like Martin might be setting the stage in the preview chapter for conflict with the FM and a subsequent departure, or a shift to something else in Braavos (maybe spend time with a courtesan, learn how to wield power as a female, for example). If she meets Jeyne Poole and learns how anxious the Northerners are for a Stark, that could inspire her to go to Westeros. In the main series, Nymeria is presented as a Queen who led her people to a new home. That suggests a leadership role. Lady Stark. Yes, I know she doesn't want to be a lady. Which, given how Martin treats his characters, makes that all the more likely. So, I anticipate her possibly ending up as ruler of the North. Or given her youth and inexperience, co-ruler with her consort, possibly like William and Mary of England. Though I'm not sure who would play William. Most of the good candidates are nearly as young and inexperienced as she is. Another possibility would be leading Northern refugees to a new home. In any event, I see serious leadership potential in her.
  13. @Frey family reunion The bastard of Darry has been mentioned once, in passing. I doubt any readers are even aware he exists. I'm more familiar with minor characters than most, and I had to look him up. Lonmouth has been mentioned multiple times as a close friend to Rhaegar. I don't necessarily believe he's Lem, but he makes a lot better candidate than someone no one has ever heard of.
  14. Why would her being 14 be a problem. That would make Littlefinger 18 when she was born, a logical age for him to leave her someplace. His home territory, the Fingers, is remote so nobody is going to be keeping track. He got his customs job a few years later. Nobody asks too many questions about bastard children, although I will admit the disguise is a thin one. Why would the leaders of the Burned Men or the Black Ears recognize her? They never interacted, and the clansmen were long gone by the time she married Tyrion. In any event, the passes are closed for winter, so any abductor would have to go by boat, not an easy task with an unwilling captive and a search going on.
  15. I think Tyrek is still alive, but not entirely sure what happened to him. The only reason I can see for Varys to take him would be if he had damaging information about Cersei. If so, I don't know why he wouldn't have reappeared by now. I doubt that he would have been abducted, as he is unlikely to be friendly to his abductors after his release. He could have had help in leaving Kings Landing during the riot. My guess is he is free and probably living in Braavos, the Vale or someplace safe like that. As a Lannister, he would likely have had access to a decent sum of money. If he left voluntarily, it could be because he feared being silenced for information he possessed, or simply to get away from Kings Landing or having an infant wife. In any event, I will be looking for blond squire types, especially in the Arya and Brienne chapters, as neither would recognize him. I've pondered him appearing at the Vale tournament, possibly as a mystery knight, or meeting Arya with neither aware of the other's true identity.
  16. The only place I've seen only 5 main characters mentioned is in the proposal letter, and Martin has said that should not be taken too seriously. And it's quite clear that her role is vastly different, and far more substantial, than in the letter. She's definitely more important than Cersei or Jaime, and roughly the level of Bran and Arya. She doesn't have to fight to play a part in the battle against the Others. She can rally support, organize evacuation and resettlement, manage supplies, and a million other behind the scenes activities. Arya isn't much good in a fight either for that matter. I don't think Jon is actually dead, only seriously injured. Be that as it may, I don't see him fighting his siblings over Winterfell.
  17. I am very skeptical of the idea that Lem was part of Beric's crew. I think his wife and daughter were killed by Lannisters, and that is why he is in the BwB. None of which prevents him from being Richard Lonmouth. Given his previous attachment to Rhaegar I think it is most likely he was on the Targaryen side. He could have decided to remain in the Riverlands, and give himself a new life. Perhaps as a guardsman, or maybe an artisan or farmer. I think it's pretty clear that Lem has military training and probably experience. He seems to know what he's doing. So his being Richard Lonmouth is definitely a possibility.
  18. Sansa is in a pretty standard coming of age story. Until she comes of age, she's safe. That will likely take a while, probably into the final book. At that point, everybody's at risk. Also, she is one of the Big 6 principal characters, alongside Jon, Dany, and her siblings. She got promoted somewhere during ACOK. The Vale story is important because Sansa is there. She is there because it's a good place to hide out and learn a few things. Littlefinger is there to be her mentor and antagonist. He's got skeletons in his closet and they may come tumbling out. Things like his betrayal of Ned, treatment of Jeyne Poole, poisoning of Sweetrobin, among others. I don't see much likelihood of conflict with Jon. Jon has already told Stannis that he regards Sansa as Winterfell's rightful occupant. He's likely to remain Lord Commander as long as he thinks that is the best way to confront the threat from the Others.
  19. I have more trouble figuring out Arya's future and the FM's plans for her than just about any other. There are many different ways it could go. But I think a few things are clear. Arya does not yet know how to change faces. I suspect it is only taught to actual initiates into the Faceless Men. And Arya is not going to be made a Faceless Man. Given the time constraints, she should be a lot farther along in her training if that were the case. She knows little more about actually killing people than she did when she arrived. She's had no weapons or unarmed combat training, and her knowledge of poisons is mostly theoretical. She would be much better at identifying a poison victim than making one. Her training is more like that for a spy or detective. I think the Faceless Men intend something along those lines for her. As a member of a prominent Westeros family, she would be well placed to provide information, money, shelter, and run interference for them. My guess is that she will be required to promise to help if needed in exchange for leaving without consequence. Obviously, these skills would be useful in dealing with other movers and shakers in Westeros. She will be well equipped to help her family regain its lost stature.
  20. Prologue. Prologue POVs don't always die. Chett, the ASOS prologue POV, was still alive at the end of the chapter, so he did die later in the book. A rescue attempt is a possibility, but given the lack of time to prepare, and the size of Prester's force, I can't imagine it being a success. I think the prologue may be their arrival at Casterly Rock. We can get an update on events and a look at Casterly Rock, and meet Martyn Lannister and whoever else might be around. Frey prisoners. I think they might be keeping Jaime around to free the prisoners from the Red Wedding. I don't know why else he wouldn't have shown up dead by now. He can simply show up with a bunch of men and say he's there to take custody and hand them over. Might even work, though I have a suspicion Jaime's story may be nearing it's end. Red Wedding 2. I'm unhappily thinking this will happen. Jaime won't participate though. No way is he going against his family, threats to Brienne or anyone else notwithstanding. Oi am skeptical about it's chances of success. Yes, they have Tom but I think most of the Riverrun staff is anti-Lannister, something Daven will be well aware of. Security will be insanely tight. Daven is no fool, and neither is Genna Lannister, who's actually in charge at Riverrun. I sense a disaster in the making, and no one is going to be happy. Littlefinger. The Riverlands are effectively a warzone. They're economically devastated with an active insurgency. No way is Littlefinger interested in dealing with that morass. Too much responsibility with too little reward. He'll be happy to hang out in the Vale and try to work his magic there. Unfortunately for him, I expect Sansa to figure out that they're not on the same page, or even reading the same book. At that point, Littlefinger is likely to find himself in trouble. I don't see either Littlefinger or Sansa getting involved with the Riverlands. Way too much trouble for Littlefinger, and Sansa has shown no interest in the place and has no close connection to it. Her story is a Northern one. It's her home, where she spent most of her life, happily.
  21. @Mourning Star The wiki cites the app not the world book for Lem being in Beric's party. It is considered semi-canon. If it says A world of ice and fire, it's the app. If it says The world ... then it's the world book. Confusing, I know.
  22. He mentioned to Brienne that he had lost his wife and daughter, presumably by Lannister troops (he doesn't seem to like Lannisters much). That would account for him joining the Brotherhood without Banners. He'd lost his family and had nothing better to do. What he was doing beforehand we don't know. He might have simply gone to ground after the Trident to avoid any possible punishment. If he is Lonmouth, he could have information about Rhaegar and Lyanna, and possibly other subjects as well.
  23. Attacking in a gorge is a wonderful idea - if your objective is to kill several hundred Lannister troops. But that's not the objective. They're already leaving; there's no point in killing them. The objective is rescuing Edmure and Jeyne. A massacre of Lannister troops will merely get the prisoners killed as well. And a gorge is a bad place for a rescue. You can't get to them and you have no way to get them out. You either need to punch a hole in their lines to get in and get them out or infiltrate their camp and sneak them out in the dark. Both are difficult and with shoot on rescue orders, very risky. If the people you are rescuing die as a direct result of the rescue, it is an abject failure. You're worse off than you were before. Oh, by the way, the Golden Tooth is in the Westlands and is garrisoned by them. It's enemy territory for Brynden and company.
  24. Jon isn't Ned's son, second or otherwise. He is, however, Rhaegar's third child. Ned's third child is Arya. Tyrion, Daenerys, Jon, and Arya. Four of the main six. And I think the other two, Sansa and Bran, will be important as well.
  25. He may try to reconstitute the RiverRun garrison and use it either to attempt a rescue of Edmure and Jeyne, or simply cause trouble alongside the BwB. If it's a rescue I expect it will go badly. Forley Prester is on the lookout for trouble, and seems inclined to kill his prisoners instead of letting them go free. Blackfish would need weapons to do much of anything. I don't know if there's a lot of swords lying around, or if he would need to raid a castle (Pinkmaiden, perhaps). Two things are clear. We will see him again; and he will be causing trouble. I expect he will remain in the Riverlands. He has no reason to go to the Vale. Lysa is dead, and he didn't have a good opinion of Sweetrobin. If he knew about Sansa I could see him going, but I see no reason he would know she's there.
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