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Everything posted by JohnisDead

  1. Now that we are all truly "Unsullied". I hope Martin waits to publish "Winds of Winter", and a "Dream of Spring" until "Games of Thrones" is over. Would be a fun turn of the tables to me !
  2. "Days of our Westros" "The Young and the Baratheons" "As Westros Turns" "General Magisters" (oops)
  3. "Days of our Westros" "The Young and the Baratheons" "As Westros Burns" "General Magisters" (oops)
  4. I forgot! There was a HUGE important issue involving the Hugo Awards this year! Martin was angry, (still is) that outside influences were able to vote out/or in, stories/editors/this/that/.... that were normally only voted on by dorks like him/me! Funny!
  5. Way off topic, but was the word, pusillanimous, hi-jacked by women haters to mean what being called a pussy means?
  6. Martin is enjoying reviving old movie theatres and turning old bowling alleys into art galleries. At least we get to see awesome renditions
  7. My brother! I couldn't agree/not really know more! At least this is happening in real time. Tolkien had his son's approval ... for what happened in those movies. Martin still can conjure his own vision. I like being a spectator in 2 visions of a story that, 1: I never thought would be finished... and 2: That might be finished in disparate ways. Mead is good! Mead helps me compare HBO/Martin, to Gretzky/Lemieux! Sorry! Too much Mead, too much Pittsburgh!
  8. Personally I thought that Selyse was going to jump on Shireen and sacrifice herself. <-----King of Wishful Thinking!
  9. and God gave his only son (in this case daughter) to save the world! Martin has freely admitted his dis/association with Christianity. I am just amazed that anyone really cares, and/or is surprised by anything that happens on the show, or will happen in a possible novel. In the Games of Thrones...everyone dies and Bigfoot takes over!
  10. Is Shireen really dead, is Mance? One never knows the devious minds of book/show creators!
  11. Lyanna used those words to "Ned" concerning Jon Snow if I'm not mistaken....
  12. General Tyrosh of Myr. As Volantis Turns. are there any soap operas that I missed?
  13. Days of our Rhaegar, Young and the Westorsi, Guiding Sansa, The Youngish Lannisters and the Older Tyrells,
  14. this topic is book spoilers yes? Mance Rayder is not dead, Giantsbane is not in Castle Black, I should not go on. Bran contacts Theon through Winterfell's heart tree. Mel, Shireen, and Selyse are not on the march with Stannis. Jon treats with an Iron Bank representative, for ships and gold. There is so much it's ridiculous
  15. Seems like there are a lot of theories about Sansa still being able to become the "strong one". I hesitate to write further. Wasn't Jeyne Poole's torture used as a device to not only redeem Theon, but to advance Bran's narrative in becoming the next...."Overlord Greenseer" (sorry couldn't think of another way to title it). Talking to Theon, through Winterfell's heart tree was Bran's what, 3rd attempt in his becoming? Hopefully I am at least amusing to non-book readers! I keep trying to pretend that the author hasn't disclosed the end to the show writes I guess.
  16. Eh, now we book readers can be relegated back to the dorks we always were. There is a reason why epic fantasy was consumed by few, (relatively speaking). The casual fan, in most cases, can't be bothered by details like; fleshing out characters, or reading page upon page of set up for a plot twist, and yes, I admit, page upon page of feasts described in intimate detail! Yep, uppity book reader here, but really, while I am surprised by the way the show writer/producers have brought major details to the fore, I can't say that their style no matter which style they chose would have been unexpected. They saw a way to take an intricate story, chop it up, and make money. Martin made his choice to take the money. As an aforementioned dork, I hope Martin ends the story with his vision, not one clouded by.....sorry to say it, the soap opera version of A Song of Ice and Fire/
  17. So I guess Dany is not going to ride off on Drogon at the end of this series of shows. Or maybe she still will. Who knows. Tyrion should still be contemplating true love with Penny at this point....
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