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Everything posted by drogonburnslut

  1. This is 100% correct. Id suggest anyone who read stannis as a "hero" does not get his character and was reading the books wrong. He had always been at "jeoffery" level in the books too. Atleast jeoffery was his own man and not a puppet .
  2. gerorge rr did not write a masterpiece though. he made some incredible characters and a great start. since then his writing has been poor. shit like lady stoneheart has turned me off the books, the tv show is my ultimate source now. I enjoy books every bit as tv. however got tv series os a better tv show than the books as a series so far.
  3. ill use whatever word i want. your username is childish. pussy =cat. cats=scared easily.
  4. Have you even read the books? what happens to jp there is much worse than the easy sex ramsey has with sansa. i think if anything the show hasnt been graphic enough with these kinds of things.
  5. The show is better than the books. I read the books first but the show has done it better by ommiting pointless characters and gettong to the point. great scene in the pits. well done D &D. you are legends.
  6. that was awesome! stop being pussies. stannis is just as evil in the books.
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