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Brad Stark

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Everything posted by Brad Stark

  1. It will be nice to have another show while we wait for a book that may never be published. I don't think it is important Dunk be a doofus, the story works even if he has a different personality. I'd like to see someone tall, as that is probably the most basic aspect of his character, but I don't even think that is necessary. I don't want Chris Hemsworth, or anyone else that high profile, but especially not someone so old. Dunk's relationship with Aegon is essentially being like a big brother, in many ways more so than any of his biological brothers. Casting someone old enough to be his father changes the story entirely, not to mention he'd be an old man when he dies at Summerhall if the show ever gets that far. Dunk is about 17 at the start of The Hedge Knight and Aegon is about 9, I'd really like to see the show keep those ages. I'd love to see a martial artist. There is a good chance that without dragons this show just falls flat. Upping the choreography to give us better battles and fights is one way to keep the show interesting. Just having a medieval setting for the show, and a bunch of betrayal and sex is dangerously close to a soap opera. Dunk in the books is not a technical fighter, and mostly relies on size and strength and street fighting experience over his knightly training, but I do want some good fight scenes. Even though this is a lead role, it should be very easy to cast. Dunk is not especially handsome, charming, or clever, nor is he well spoken, and even though he'd be on camera the whole time, he doesn't talk much or have difficult lines or complicated relationships with other characters. Really any teenage male actor can pull off this role better than someone like Chris Hemsworth. Aegon will be much harder to cast. He pretty much has to look Targaryen, although shaving him bald helps make the features fit. He has much more complicated lines and emotions, is just as central to the story, and you have to cast a little boy believing he can grow into the role.
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