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Loose Bolt

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Everything posted by Loose Bolt

  1. Roose Bolton knows how to play the game. After all unlike most northern lords he had kept most his own men alive and there is even a chance that if he survives long enough he could turn his cloak again and become Dany's Warder of North.
  2. I see Brackens as Boltons of Riverlands. Or major reason why they exist is to give "heroes" something to do.
  3. Aeron G will save the world bc he will melt the others by using his special ability. After what is holier than water coming directly from holy man.
  4. In Westeros pedigree matters. So Roose was more equal than anybody whose ancestors were not (Red)kings and had as long known history than Starks. Only person with almost as good pedigree in the army was Greatjon bc Umbers were also kings. So for that reason Robb had to choose either Roose or GJ as commander of that task force.
  5. I was wondering why would Starks erase identity of NK and one possible answer to that question is that his name was somehow dangerous to them. My theory why his name was too hot for Starks is that he had better pedigree than Lord of Winterfell and so outranked him. Or House Stark rebelled against and eliminated a dynasty that had better claim to the North than them. To make things worse they also allied with wildlings for that rebellion. So Starks erased name of NK bc they wanted to hide the fact that their ancestor was rebellious bannerman who slew his master and also they did not want to give their own bannermen any ideas to rebel against them. How would Old Nan know real identity of Night's King? Quote from The World of Ice and Fire - The North: The Kings of Winter
  6. Actually we do not know name of NK and Starks needed to ally with King Beyond the Wall to eliminate him. Besides we do not know who actually build the wall. So it is possible that claim that the wall was build by Brandon Stark could by propaganda of Starks. Or they made that claim after their conquest whole North. After all it is possible that NK was last king of dynasty that actually build and maintained the wall. So by eliminating identity of NK they also erased competing dynasty from history. Or "modern" NW was founded by Starks after death of NK and why myth about him claim that he was only commander of NW was part of Stark propaganda to tarnish his reputation and erase his dynasty. That could also be real reason why we do not know identity of Last Hero. After all if NK was descendant of LH some might think that dynasty founded by LH would have better claim to the North than Starks. Totally another thing is that Barrow Kings could resist power of Winterfell hundreds of years and Red Kings thousands. Besides 2 RK sacked WF and we do not know when Umbers lost their crown. So Starks were not able totally dominate the North until maybe thousand of years after death of NK.
  7. When Starks and Barrowkings still were only petty kings most powerful military force in the North was NW. So it is possible that either daughter or sister of ruling Barrow King tried to gain support of NW by seducing their commander and she gained tittle as CQ bc victorious Starks rewrote history after her scheme had failed.
  8. But he is Tywin's legacy. Or if Tommen keeps his crown Tywin will win the game of thrones. So Martells cannot win the game if Tommen survives.
  9. Ironborn invasion to North. After all their main motivation of doing anything is to gain as much wealth and sex slaves as possible. So invading poor land including very few available women is very bad idea. Besides they should know that they cannot keep their conquered lands anyway. Because during long winter northern Sunset Sea will froze and so any IB still in the North during winter would has to leave the North b4 that happens.
  10. Dany is a troll. After all her father both looked and behaved like a one and her brother tried to outtroll their father by pissing off Baratheons, Martells and Starks. But unfortunately to Rhaegar Aerys II kept his status as a master troll by killing Lord Stark and his heir and making sure that only great house that stayed loyal to him by their own will was House Tyrell.
  11. Actually Arya will find that she is force sensitive and becomes Sith lady and Darth Nymeria will slaughter all her enemies and everybody she does not like.
  12. Samsa Stark and Sakura Haruno (Naruto). Both of them are teenage girls who fell in love with violent boy who does not love them. Both of them and some people near them will also suffer consequences of that.
  13. I assume that partly rule of cool and partly bc certain players in main series (like Baratheons and Lannisters) had to survive the Dance. For instance if Rhaenyra would have nuked Storms End as soon as she found out that Baratheons supported "usurper" and made sure that everybody would know that she and her dragons would do the same to all property of any "traitors". Or she would have burned down Lannisterport and Old Town if Hightowers and Lannisters had supported another candidate for Iron Throne. The Dance would have included only one battle. Because Aegon II and his brother would have either had to launch air raid to Dragonstone and hope that they could kill enough hostile dragons and their riders or they would have lost everything bc their supporters almost certainly would not have dared to openly support him as long Rhaenyra had ability to carry out that threat. Or if both Blacks and Greens had been smarter the Dance would have been shorter and most victims of that would have been dragons and their riders and some unlucky people who just happened to be either in Storms End or Dragonstone when dragons danced. But story about the Dance would have been shorter and less cool.
  14. I suspect that Ghost used Bridge of Skulls.
  15. In his duel with Sasaki Kojiro Miyamoto Musashi killed his opponent with improvised wooden sword that he carved from an oar when he was travelling to that duel. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Miyamoto_Musashi
  16. That is not possible as long that only way to transfer large sums need ships or at least wheelbarrows and takes long time. Or IB would need to have much larger pro cent of their assets as reserve. But partly from that reason prices of loans just couple 100 years ago were much higher than nowadays. For instance annual 50 % interest level for a loan would have been cheap and normally price would have been even larger. So a bank would still make profit though it lends smaller amount of gold and keeps larger reserves than modern banks. Totally another thing is that Iron Bank almost certainly have more businesses than only banking. For instance when Kustaa Wasa rebelled against Kingdom of Denmark major reason he won and became King of Sweden 1523 was his deal with Hansa League. Or Hansa financed his rebellion and lent to him mercenaries and warships. But price of that support was that Hansa gained total monopoly of foreign trade of Sweden. In theory IB could make similar deals with any VIP. Or debtor could pay back his debt by giving IB monopoly of all trade with areas controlled by him. Iron Bank could also start collecting custom revenues of any ship that sails either from/to harbor controlled by a VIP who have not paid back his debt to Iron Bank. Good thing for IB in that would be that they could use part of those revenues to finance special operation that is necessary for collecting unpaid debt. So a customer who thought that he would not pay his debt would lose most of his own revenues until IB had gained back their money. Naturally including mandatory service fees.
  17. Unless a facedancer wears face of a vice guy and also take over all property of that dead person. Or I assume that if Illyrio causes problems to IB he will be killed and replaced by a FM who will reallocate all properties that Illyrio owned to Iron Bank.
  18. None of other great houses own a VS sword. So that should not be huge problem for Lannisters. But reasons for their failure will be something else.
  19. The reason why SVB collapsed so quickly was internet. Or customers of IB cannot use computers to move their money. But they would have to travel to Braavos. Besides all money is metal not bytes or bills. So moving large sums is neither easy nor safe. Assuming that Illyrio outlives fA. After all if Iron Bank suspects that he is plotting against them Illyrio will be killed and replaced by a FM wearing his face who will make sure that debt is paid. Or there is a possibility that IB will get back their money when fake Illyrio pays that debt. Besides if IB is really desperate they could do same thing that emperors of Rome did when they needed more cash. Or they killed some rich people and kept their money. Bank of England to my knowledge does not have any connections to active Death Cult. But Iron Bank almost certainly has access to some fanatical assassins who might not like idea that somebody is danger to their bank.
  20. That potential collapse would take some time. But Braavosi could launch raid to Pentos in weeks and if that raid would be successful they would have enough money to pay all their bills. In fact if Sealord or Iron Bank suspects that Team Blackfyre are plotting against them they would have to launch that raid when they still have working navy. Totally another thing is that as soon Iron Bank finds out that there is man who claims to be Aegon VI they will send an emissary who will ask simple question "Dude. Where is our money?" If answer to that question is something else that he is happy to pay back that debt his invasion will fail bc Braavos and Iron Bank will smash Golden Company and anybody foolish enough to ally with him b4 Team BF have even chance to secure his crown. There is even a possibility that some mercs of GC company will betray and sell him to IB just to make some money. After all there is no way that Sealord and IB would allow anyone who would fail to pay back national debt to sit on Iron Throne. So A VI either will promise to pay back that debt or Golden Company will fail again in their invasion to Westeros and he will be known as another failed pretender for Iron Throne.
  21. As long as Braavos has stronger navy than Aegon VI and Pentos they could use their warships as collectors of custom revenues. So any ship sailing from/to Westeros or Pentos would have to pay protection money. Or they would make sure that only ships sailing there would be their own and so gaining monopoly of trade with Westeros and Pentos. Or they could just raid and sack some cities like Kings Landing and Pentos. So unless Team Blackfyre has access to more warships than Braavos and Iron Bank their plan would fail bc Team Iron Bank could make Pentos and Westeros pay special operation that is necessary to gain back all money that IB had lost.
  22. To me (f?)Aegon is "incarnation" of Pyrrhus of Epirus. Or he will gain some victories. But in the end he will fail bc he will not gain enough support to secure his crown. After all there are many people who do not like either Dorne or Golden Company.
  23. There is a chance that either old Sea Lord died and new SL did not like idea about protecting Targs or Viserys did something that made SL change his mind.
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