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Everything posted by zionius

  1. A few I've find recently: Ken Keller, an old friend of GRRM, grew up in the west coast of the United States and lives in Kansas City. George dedicated the first volume of Wild Cards to Ken, and named Kennos of Kayce after him. Mary Mertens, an old friend of GRRM since 1977 (GRRM dedicated two Wild Cards volumes to her and her husband. Also see her photo on GRRM's website) is the model of Mary Mertyns. She once lived in New Orleans, hence the owl of House Mertyns. Mary passed away recently, so I guess Mary Mertyns will live forever in ASOIAF. Gerardys was named for Vince Gerardis, GRRM's agent. Thus he had a terrible death.
  2. Do we have other descriptions about which side is burnt? It's usually thought ACOK errs since the Hound is burnt on the left side, as said in AGOT. But maybe Sansa was describing from her view in AGOT, so "the left side of his face" is in fact his right face! Then it will fit ACOK. I know most of GRRM-approved arts have the Hound burnt on the left side, like Amok, John Picacio, Michael Komarck and the Dark Sword miniature. So it seems that's GRRM's take. But the comic and GOT have it the other way.
  3. Can this Harper Voyager map of KL (https://7kingdoms.ru/wp-content/uploads/2009/02/voyager_kingslanding-1.jpg ) considered canon? It seems to be the only map with Street of Flour, Street of Seeds, Street of Looms, Sowbelly Row, Pigrun Alley and Shadowblack Lane, which all fit with the book description. And it correctly places Eel Alley on Visenya's Hill, whereas TLOIAF got it wrong. Maybe @Ran would know?
  4. One might add others then: https://www.portablepress.com/blog/2016/06/bunch-animals-people-named-game-thrones/ https://www.smithsonianmag.com/smart-news/these-new-beetle-species-are-named-after-game-thrones-180971141/ https://www.iflscience.com/plants-and-animals/new-species-named-after-the-night-king-from-game-of-thrones-for-very-good-reasons/
  5. The Slynt sigil on the wiki misses a detail. It says "A bloody spear, gold on a night-black field", but Citadel says "A bloody spear, gold on black, with a border of checkered gold and black". When you check the description in the books, turns out Citadel is correct. I've updated the text, could someone help with the image? @RanAny comments?
  6. Did the Citadel and the wiki image got Shadrich's sigil wrong? They say "blue and brown undy", but in AFFC it was "a large white mouse with fierce red eyes, on bendy brown and blue"
  7. Ah yes. Not sure why they chose this symbol. Other Free City coins all have their special symbols.
  8. What's the pattern on the coin of Myr? https://awoiaf.westeros.org/index.php/File:Coin_of_Myr.png
  9. @Rhaenys_Targaryen We should reconsider the date of Doom on the wiki. Is it 114 BC or 102 BC? It all depends on how you interpret "Twelve years before the Doom of Valyria (114 BC)", whether the "(114 BC)" refers to "Twelve years before the Doom of Valyria" or "Doom of Valyria". I asked several Americans, all agreed with 102 BC. @Werthead also used 102 BC in his blog. Also, before the world book, a RPG book with source from GRRM said the Doom was a hundred years before Conquest. Conquest started in 2 BC, exactly fit 102 BC.
  10. It seems he's not active now, but you can try to contact him here https://mattdziuban.com/
  11. Likely, but not necessarily. His father could be defeat in Robert's Rebellion, or other conflicts.
  12. When Marc Simonetti drew a white flag in his Theon at the Neck image for the ASOIAF calendar, GRRM told him to use rainbow flag. So the Ironborn (and presumably Northmen) recognize that too.
  13. affc only says Baelor had been eight years a hostage in Oldtown, which could well be before the Rebellion and his father's death. Given he was named Baelor, I think his father also believed in Faith and sent him to Oldtown for alliance.
  14. I wonder if Alysanne stayed alone in Dragonstone for half a year in the German version, namely, "At long last, he sent for his queen. Alysanne Targaryen and her dragon, Silverwing, departed Dragonstone within an hour of his summons, after having been apart from the king for nigh on half a year." I think 11 is correct. (The novella says 12, English version F&B says 11.) Maegor was born in 12 AC, making him turning 11 in 23 AC at the proposal.
  15. Wow, the German version is exactly the same as the French one. So it must be from the draft. How does that chapter end in German? Is it something like "All this pleased King Jaehaerys, but none of it pleased him half so much as the gift that Queen Alysanne gave him several moons later, when she told him she was with child. Thus 50 AC ended in celebrations, as it had begun." Another draft error is the Grand Maester Clegg came to KL at 33 AC issue, which is present in both Russian and French translation. (And probably in German as well) Do you happen to know other interesting deviations in the German version that could be from the draft? Or is there a German F&B errata discussing thread, so I can find them by myself.
  16. So the German translation is also different, like the French one? I think they both based on an early draft.
  17. True, maybe the draft arranged the trip at early 51 AC. But moving it to late 51 AC doesn't necessarily introduce an error. How about this: at the age of 44, Alyssa had menopause, so her pregnancy was found rather late. There were cases women found themselves pregnant only till the sixth month, or even later.
  18. Maybe they didn't want to inform others during the first trimester, because of high miscarriage rate, or didn't think it worthed a raven specified to report a single uncritical matter. And the concept of early and late could extend to August and April.
  19. First, there's an error, only Johanna could leave at that time, since Elenda didn't attend the wedding, and Samantha's leave was described later. Second, who's the "son" supposed to be? It seems only Lady Sam's step-sons, Martyn and Garmund could fit. Given Garmund's later marriage, my bet is on him.
  20. FYI, a list of the changes is on the wiki errata page. @Ran Could you comment on the Daemon deflowering Alicent Hightower issue? GRRM deleted it (like the case of Raymont Baratheon), or added it later, and mistakenly the added info didn't enter into F&B (like the case of Sunspear not burnt by Aegon).
  21. Septa Helicent in AFFC/ADWD appendixes is changed to Melicent in a recent kindle update.
  22. The Velaryon seahorse is a real animal. (lol, you replied in that thread too, and was the one who changed the wiki sigil, haha) Since Manning sigil on Citadel is a heraldic one, I guess Ran didn't receive specific instructions on that sigil, or was asked to make a heraldic one.
  23. A few possible mistakes about the sigils in westeros citadel and wiki. Slynt. In AGOT Sansa V, it's "a bloody spear, gold on a night-black field". But later GRRM told Elio it's "A bloody spear, gold on black, with a border of checkered gold and black", as seen in the citadel. It seems GRRM changed his mind, or Sansa didn't give a full description. Kettleblack. GRRM described it as "A black kettle on red, a border of orles". Orle means border in heraldry, so there's no such thing as "a border of orles". It's seems like the case of "cheron", GRRM messed the use of "orle" too. (We only see this sole use of "orle" in all GRRM's description of sigils.) The wiki explained it as "a black orle", whereas the Citadel explained it as "an orle of roundels". Likely the Citadel version is correct. Stane. GRRM described it as "A driftwood tree, bare and brown, on pale green". Both the Citadel and the wiki seem to got "driftwood tree" wrong. Bridges. GRRM described it as ”A black stone bridge with three arches upon a golden chief above three blue pallets on white“. So the Citadel version is incorrect, whereas the wiki version correct. Westbrook. GRRM described it as ”Two green bars gemmel on gold.“ A bar gemmel means two bars in a pair. So the Citadel version is incorrect, whereas the wiki version correct. GRRM said the Westeros heraldric sea horse is a real sea horse, not the heraldic half-horse-half-fish seahorse in our world. And claimed "have you ever seen a heraldic 'seahorse?' Heralds didn't know crap about biology." That makes me wonder, is the sea lion on Manning sigil also intended to be a real sea lion?
  24. I think Gaemon, Essie and Sylvenna Sand didn't work in the House of Kisses. House of Kisses is on Visenya's Hill, whereas Street of Silk on Rhaenys' Hill. While it's likely an error, there is no need to correct it. It's easy to image, with the Shepherd's riot in Rhaenys' Hill, Gaemon's followers moved to Visenya's Hill instead. We can just assume there're two different brothels, and change corresponding wiki entries instead.
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