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The Bastard of Hull

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Everything posted by The Bastard of Hull

  1. I might be alone in thinking this, but: Under Euron's eyepatch I'm betting he's got an eye like the old man from 'The Telltale Heart.' Jaime threatens someone with oubliettes, terrible, narrow oubliettes, under the Rock. Martin might have been inspired by the inside of Hannibal Lecter's mind. Oh, and one more - hope no one's pointed it out: Lady Lothston is kind of a parallel to Elizabeth Bathory.
  2. Thanks for the input. I had no idea Jon had already been 'shipped.' And that the Kingsguard had only to wait... I actually posted this topic for speculation on the 'rush of steel' at the foot of the tower, no more than that. Now I really see that something I suspected all along is true: that GRRM turns things on their heads: the wrong prince won at the Trident, the PtwP isn't a

  3. Is that the Hound wooing Sansa? Vewy funny, Doctor Jones.

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