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Everything posted by McAssey

  1. I was hoping Jon/Aegon would answer, "I don't want the damn Iron Throne. You can have it. And if we don't survive this battle it won't matter anyway."
  2. True. But now that winter has come Winterfell is where many of the northerners have gathered. In any case, if Bran would tell Jon to summon Howland Reed to verify the truth about his parentage, he would get the hard evidence that is needed.
  3. Howland Reed (father of Meera) was with Ned Stark when he recovered Lyanna's baby (i.e., Jon Snow) from the Tower of Joy. Presumably Howland is still alive and in the north, since Meera mentioned going to see him when she came back from beyond the wall. One would expect that he and Meera would now be at Winterfell, although neither he nor Meera have been shown to us there. But he could give his eye-witness testimony about Jon being the son of Lyanna Stark.
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