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  1. it's true, but maybe if good writers put something on screen it would be ok. Obviously I can't speak for everyone. However, my problem with the show is and has never been its divergence from the book. Expecting it to not make adjustments is insane and in some early seasons I even thought some of the adjustments were from the better. I am fine with the two universe theme. However, my problem is that d&d have simply written a poor show. Their writing seems to be guided with no actual talent or creativity. They have taken very cool characters and stripped them of pretty much everything. Take this weeks gravedigger. His character is basically "YA THE HOUND IS ALIVE AND HE YELLED AT JOFF AND ASKED FOR CHICKEN WOOOOO" there is simply nothing there. The show is, at best, a sitcom and often times at this point a fucking parody which is just really depressing to people who liked the books -- not because it is different from the books but because it is just terrible.
  2. Re-watched this show last night. Still best episode this season at 2/10 only because they didn't muck up Jamie at Riverrun. The high praise this show is getting really goes a long way in explaining the popularity of professional wrestling to me smh
  3. 2/10 best episode this season. Props to the show for not dropping the ball on Jamie at Riverrun. A nice job of it. Also, Queen of Thrones givinig it to Cersei was pretty boss. As for the rest of the show....it was pretty much just terrible. I mean, horrible. Like the worst writing I have ever seen. Forget stupid stuff like Gendry being able to use his rowboat of teleportation to get jon from the wall to bear island to Deepwood Motte in about 11 minutes. Forget the story of Gravedigger...er....woodchopper....being totally horrible and meaningless...like literally without meaning. What is with the big reveal? Why would any one even suspect he was dead? What is the motivation for him being there. Why did the brotherhood kill his entire AA meeting? Why did he chop their wood? Is it to make up for all the trees he has pissed on? What a waste of the guy from deadwood! Put an eye patch on him and you might have a half decent euron. Oh wait, euron crows eye doesn't have an eye patch. Meanwhile...who is writing this stuff? The Spice Girls? Lyanna Mormont is a total joke. That goodness for Davos Peptalker. Meanwhile, I assume Mel took the week off. Oh and Theon, have a beer this will make you mutilation and torture better. Now I am off to go prove a woman can do anything a man can. I mean great, theon's sister is now the girl who goes with the guys to strip clubs to prove how cool she is. Ugh. This show has become such a sickening excuse to push agendas. Those agendas are a) Plot, character, theme, writing, imagry and sanity do not matter and b yayyyyyy feminism. I am so sick of the westerosi affirmative action plan. The only person with no terrible lines in this show seems to be the mountain. What's worse, there is more but I am too disgusted to keep writing.
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