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Posts posted by SypherSin

  1. On 7/21/2012 at 8:55 PM, Cora Stark said:

    God how I wish there was a word for thank you in Dothraki

    "kan dash" not exactly thank you but it means "for this gift i will not be killing you now"

  2. On 4/15/2010 at 1:19 AM, Guest Other-in-Law said:

    "It is known" "te sen do e"

    "The Stallion who mounts the world" "feldona"

    "Mother of Mountains" "kan dan no e"

    "Womb of the World" "petro"

    "Godsway" "de sen do on"

    "Milk Men" "quartheen"

    I've always wondered whether "Maegi was a word of Dothraki origin, or a loan word from Valyrian.

    Maegi is a word of dothraki origin but the Maeg of the valyrian origin means the same thing as maester

    please tell me if i am wrong about these i dont know if my dothraki is right yet


  3. On 4/15/2010 at 8:33 AM, Renasko said:

    "How much for the blonde?"

    "do son do e" would be what that is i think

    my dothraki may be bad idk, please tell me if I'm wrong

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