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Parwan Nays

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Everything posted by Parwan Nays

  1. An interesting sidelight, a worthwhile speculation about the Iron Bank. Whether you're right or wrong, it's unlikely that a future book or TV series will say. To me, it's clear that the business of IB is just another example of poorly thought out story telling by the show runners. The bankers are supposed to be hard headed businessmen, right? What the hell could they have possibly expected to gain from Westeros? How would they have made any money on their investment? Did they think that the Night King would repay them with chunks of ice? If Dany won, she would have less than zero obligation to repay the loan. Even if Cersei won, Westeros would have been a wreck, and winter (Remember winter? I think winter was mentioned a few times in the series.) would just be starting. The only reasonable course for the IB would be to write off their losses in the west (i.e. the money given to Stannis) and do what they could to make money in Esos.
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