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Posts posted by Romag

  1. So, I try to estimate north's military strenght per house. Most of the information use will be from 2 post below:


    1° we will use 3 house as reference: frey, karstark and bolton.

    Frey: 5600

    At the Twin’s Robb gets Frey men added to his, Lord Walder had 4,000 men at the Twins, ¼ of whom are knights, based on numbers supplied in later books. 3,600 of these join Robb, with the remaining 400, and 400 of Robb’s men staying at the Twins

    400 northmen in the Twins join Roose Bolton on the orders of Edmure Tully, bringing his total force up to ~10,400, which according to Arya includes 1,500 Freys.

    Also >1000 Frey that were with Robb returner wihth Ryman and Black Walder

    3600 Freys - 2500 that returned = 1100 freys died

    We are told by Tyrion that there are ~2,000 Freys besieging Riverrun, there is also a force of unknown size, though presumably in the mid hundred range, surrounding Seagard. Furthermore there are ~2,000 Frey soldiers heading north with Ser Aenys and Ser Hosteen, along with the regular garrison (we’ll be generous and say that this is half the size of a wartime garrison) for the Twins, there is also a substantial amount of Frey activity throughout much of the Riverlands with columns of Frey knights moving around hunting outlaws and such.

    About the the frey that went north theon said about 1500 Frey, so we have 2 people tellong diferent numbers, so we will consider 1800 Freys going to north

    About the army in seagard, it's probably very few only a token force: We know that Bracken is besieging Reventhre Hall with 500 men e.g. So maybe we should consider something around 300 men

    Finally about the freys around Riverland, it could small groups from the main army or even garrison, going around to catch enemies and coming back to their camp, I dont believe it would be a big number of men



    In total we have 3600 (1° raise) + 400 (garrison) + 1300 (2° raise) + 300 (seagard) 

    Karstark: 2950 ~ 3000

    They had 2300 men in WF which 300 were mounted (AGOT Bran IV)

    ~200 men with Rodrik. (ACOK Theon VI)

    400 spearmen, 40 archers and 12 lances "joining Stannis. (ADWD The Sacrifice)

    Maybe we can supose that there more 20 to 30 men in karhold keeping the castle


    Bolton: ~3700

    After the battle Roose has ~4,100 men, which is well within the margin of error I have been using, 600 guard the Ruby Ford, whilst Roose takes 3K infantry and 500 cavalry, mostly his own Dreadfort men, on to the Twins.

    Rodrik returns to Winterfell to besiege it, quickly gathering another 1,000 men, but these 2,000 are quickly defeated by ~600 Boltons.

    We have to remeber that the boltons fighted againt the manderly for the hornwood land, we dont know if someome died

    Also, probably ramsay left a garrison in dreadfort, maybe something around 50~100 men


    From the 3500 mostly are dreadfort men, not all of them, so 85% would be a resonoble number. 3000 Boltons

    From the 600 of ramsay army, we could, maybe, consider that all of them were mounted, bc they were so fast to reach WF. Also they fighted against 2000 men, so they are probably a mounted army. But I think in the text



    When robbs called his banners we know that the houses that were there was the Starks, Boltons, Umber, Karstark, Mormont, Glover, Cerwyn, Tallhart, Hornwood and few moutain clam. They raised 9000 foot + 3000 horse

    From the horses: 300 Karstark + 500 Boltons

    I believe that the Stark could raise the same amounth of horse of house Frey, so +1000H

    Since Cerwyn, Tallhart and Hornwood land are in south we put that there cavalary will join later the army. Also is inportant to metion that the Tallhart were not mentioned in any battle that Rob were with the cavalary, you can se in the week that in the whisoerint wood, camps, fords, in the crag, never was mentioned banner from tallharts, they were only in the infatry. So we will assume they didnt have it. So Umber, Karstark, Mormont, Glover will have 300 horses each. I will give extra 200 for mormont because they doesnt have infatry, I will explain it further, and 50 for both mormont and glover.

    More 1500 cavarly will join it will be divided betwrn Cerwyn, Hornwood, Flint of both branchs and Manderly. But we know that the manderly sent only 250, so I will give extra 50 to cerwyn because I believe they are stronger tha the rest. 

    About the infatry, we had 9000 at WF 2000 Karstarks and 2500 Bolton. So we have 4500 trops to be diveded, however the funny thing here is house Mormont, Umber and Flintd are not mentioned in the infantry in amy battle (according to the wiki)

    We also have 4500 to be divided betwen Dustin, Ryswell, Locke, (remeber that maybe some Cerwyn and Tallhart could had joined here, because their land are in south)

    Stark: 2100 on foot

    Mountain Clan: 500 on foot

    Glover: 900 on foot

    Tallhart: 900 on foot

    Cerwyn: 1000 on foot

    Hornwood: 900 on foot

    Locke: 900 on foot

    Dustin: 900 on foot

    Ryswel: ,900 on foot


    In battle at WF we have:

    Almost 2,000 men: 600 Starks, 300 Cerwyns, 200 Karstark rest are from Houses Flint, Hornwood, Manderly and Tallhart


    With Stannis:

    Shortly after the Battle of Deepwood Motte Stannis tells Jon in his letter he has over 5,000 men, and that amount is still increasing. So by the time he leaves Stannis should have about ~1,100 southrons, 1,800-2,800 Clansmen and 1,100-2,100+ other northmen (Mormonts, Glovers, and survivors from Rodrik’s host: Hornwood, Tallharts and Cerwyn). (Chapter 35, Jon IV)

    It will be 220 -420 for each

    Moat Calin w/ ramsay:

    We had few hundred from ryswell, Dustin, Cerwyn and hornwood, but it's impossible to say


    Now we go to the title (trybto estimate bases in how powerful each house is):

    1° Manderly: 1250 on foot + 250 on horse + 200 + 100 Horses + estimated 1300 horses + estimated 3000 foots = 6100

    2° Bolton: 2000 on foot + 1000 on horses + 600 garrison + 100 extra estimated = 3700

    3° Stark: 2100 on foot + 1000 on horses + 50 ned brought to KL + 200 garrison + 400 rodrik raised = 3750

    If the Freys can rise 1000H, why the starks wouldnt

    4° Dustin: 900 on foot + estimated 700 horses + estimated 1300 on foot left = 3000

    5° Karstark: 2000 on foot + 300 on horses + 200 w/ rodrik + 450 w/ Arnolf Karstark + 50 estimated garrison left= 3000

    6° Umber: 600 on horse + 400 w/ mors + 400 w/ whores bane = 1300

    7° Ryswell: 900 on foot + estimated 350 on horse + estimated 750 on foot = 2000

    8° Cerwyn: 900 on foot + 350 on horse + 300 w/ Rodrik + 220-420 w/ stannis = ~2000

    9° Hornwood: 1000 on foot + 350 on horse + 220 -420 w/ stannis= ~2000

    10° Glover: 100 archers (at moat calling, start of the book) + 900 on foot + 350 on horse + 220 -420 w/ stannis = ~1800

    11° Flint of Ww: + 300 on horse + 1500= ~1800

    12° Locke: 900 on foot + 900 = ~1800

    13° Tallhart: 100 Archers (at moat calling, start of the book) + 900 on foot + 220 -420 w/ stannis + estimated 100H = ~1500

    13° Flint of FF: + 300H + 1000 = ~1300

    14° Mormont: + 200H + 220 -420 w/ + estimated 400 stannis = ~1000

    15° Reed = no idea

    16° Skagoos: no ideia

    17° Mountain Clan: 500 w/ robb + 3000 w/ stannis


    Obs: we have some houses like stout, slate.and beyond that appear later in the week but it to hard to track their army number

    Obs2: One thing that I dont like about the final result is that the Umbers look so weak, but I tried to put more horses

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