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Everything posted by Phileonidas

  1. That's true, but I'm still wondering, how many of the Dothraki and Unsullied will survive Dany's (re)conquest of Westeros. Since, at least in our real world, there are examples of large armies attempting an invasion at the beginning of winter and failing miserably (Napoleonic Wars and WWII). However, none of them had dragons
  2. Well, looking only at the A Song of Ice and Fire series, George does look a bit unproductive. But taking all his works into account, he doesn't look that bad, since he did write and publish Fire & Blood, The World of Ice and Fire and that new Targaryen book. So I could imagine (and hope) that it won't take him that long to complete Winds when there's "only" up to 500 pages or 25% left to write.
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