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Everything posted by Malgoth

  1. If, according to popular theories, Serra/Varys are Blackfyres or Brightflames, and they wanted to claim the Iron Throne for Serra's descendants, then why Varys just didn't tell Aerys about the suitable bride for Rhaegar with a lot of dragon blood? Isn't the whole Steffon's Baratheon mission to the Free cities was to find Blackfyre or other Targaryen related girl for Rheagar to marry?
  2. Why Golden Company with the Blackfyres never tried to forge their own kingdom in Essos? If some corsairs managed to do this with The Basilisk Isles, why a large band of professional mercenaries couldn't? Even if it wasn't their goal, still, controlled kingdom could have helped with the resources needed for the invasion of Westeros and conquest of Iron Throne.
  3. I''m always been thinking that they were pretty important : they have the same genes as a Bloodraven, so they or their decedants could have become a greenseers. (Before anyone tell me that only 1/1000000 can become a greenseer, look at the Starks - all Eddard's kids + Jon Snow are skinchangers, and it's really isn't 1*/1000 what we were told).
  4. Guys, do we know what happened to Gwenys and Mya Rivers? I doubd that Brynden would do to them, his sisters, the same thing he done with Alysanne, Lily, Willow and Rosey. Also, considering that Gwenys and Mya were noble origin and have been legitimized, they become Targaryens, so their value for the crown was increased.
  5. Thank you for the answer. I seriously never thought about it. Now I curious how they decide who will give up her/his claim. Ryon Allyrion never mentioned having any siblings and could as well be the only child. On the other hand, Ynys brother Cletus Yronwood has died during the journey with Quentyn Martell, and little Gwyneth can and likely is a secret bastard, if we take into consideration that she is the only in her family of stony dornishmans, who have a very sandy dornish looks. Hey, maybe even Ryon Allyrion is her real father, who already fathered a bastard - Daemon. Well, it's my small speculation. Anyway, house Yronwood is much more powerful than house Allyrion, so maybe it's that's how they decide? And what about second question about Sylva?
  6. I never stoped wondering about this: in Dorne, which has absolute primogeniture, If Ryon Allyrion, heir of Delonne Allyrion and house Allyrion, married Ynyn Yronwood, eldest child and heir of house Yronwood, and they had two children. So, which house absorbs which? Other question : Sylva Santagar, the heir of Symon Santagar, was married to lord Eldon Estermont, from the Stormlands. Does it means that if they would have a child together, all titles and lands of the house Santagar will move to a house Estermont and, therefore, to the Stormlands?
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